Best Proximity Point Theorems for p-Proximal α-η-β-Quasi Contractions in Metric Spaces with w0-Dista

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In this paper,we propose a new class of non-self mappings called p-proximal α-η-β-quasi contraction,and introduce the concepts of α-proximal admissible mapping with respect to η and (α,d) regular mapping with respect to η.Based on these new notions,we study the existence and uniqueness of best proximity point for this kind of new contractions in metric spaces with wo-distance and obtain a new theorem,which generalize and complement the results in[Ayari, al.Fixed Point Theory Appl.,2017,2017:16]and[Ayari, al.Fixed Point Theory Appl.,2019,2019:7].We give an example to show the validity of our main result.Moreover,we obtain several consequences concerning about best proximity point and common fixed point results for two mappings,and we present an application of a corollary to discuss the solutions to a class of systems of Volterra type integral equations.
Let G be a simple undirected graph.For any real number α ∈[0,1],Nikiforov defined the Aα-matrix of G as Aα(G) =αD(G) + (1-α)A(G) in 2017,where A(G) and D(G) are the adjacency matrix and the degree diagonal matrix of G,respectively.In this paper,we obtain
The purpose of this paper is to investigate a nonlocal Dirichlet problem with (p(x),q(x))-Laplacian-like operator originated from a capillary phenomena.Using the variational methods and the critical point theory,we establish the existence of infinitely ma
1 困惑rn在解析几何问题求解中多次遇到韦达定理不好用的问题,主要是两根之和用不上,求解过程中会出现形如2x1-3x2不对称结构形式.面对这样结构如何解决?又为什么会出现这种情况呢?遇到问题解决问题,是提升学生核心素养的最好契机,本文对此进行探究.
设Z,N分别是全体整数和正整数的集合,Mm(Z)表示Z上m阶方阵的集合.本文运用Fermat大定理的结果证明了:对于取定的次数n∈N,n≥3,二阶矩阵方程Xn+Yn=λnI(λ∈Z,λ≠0,X,Y∈M2(Z),且X有一个特征值为有理数)只有平凡解;利用本原素因子的结果得到二阶矩阵方程Xn+Yn=(±1)nI(n∈N,n≥3,X,Y∈M2(Z))有非平凡解当且仅当n=4或gcd(n,6)=1且给出了全部非平凡解;通过构造整数矩阵的方法,证明了下面的矩阵方程有无穷多组非平凡解:(V)n∈N,Xn+ Yn=λn
Let H be a complex Hilbert space and B(H) the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H.An operator A is called the truncation of B in B(H) if A =PABPA*,where PA and PA* denote projections onto the closures of R(A) and R(A*),respectively.In this paper,