A Light Talk on the Phenomena Causing the Changes of the Context in English Listening

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  As we all know , in English teaching , our goals are to train students’ ability of listening , speaking , reading and writing in English , let students know something of English culture ,to have them form a good habit of studying English and base a strong root for their future and even lifelong study . Listening is specially important because it’s the basis of the basis, also it has a big share in NMET with 30 marks, making up one fifths , what’s more , listening is a main access of obtaining knowledge .
  In the recent NMET English paper, listening is becoming more and more difficult, and listening materials are closely linked to the life of reality. It requires that students have rich and wide knowledge about English countries including culture, history, geography, society, economy, politics , people , custom and so on , at the same time, with the development of aspects in modern times, learning something advanced is of great helpful and necessary. In the past few years, English teachers has done much research, and students’ listening ability is growing quickly, however, there is great difficulty for most students in dealing with the problems of the speaker’s talking aim, choosing the best title of a passage, and guessing the talker’s attitude, emotion and view. I think spending some time studying the phenomena is meaningful which can cause the changes of context. Maybe it is more or less useful to us to improve our English listening ability. The following is a discussion about it.
  一、Positive and Negative Words
  In English listening exams, the speaker often uses positive and negative words to express his / her attitude or view to the matters. Positive words which we often meet are yes, sure, of course, certainly, thanks, no problem, ect, and negative words are hardly, seldom, never, no one, nothing, none, neither, impossible, unable, unnecessary, difficult, dislike, fail, hate, stop, refuse, beyond, but, except, against and out.
  Example 1 :
  M: Did Bill have any plans to buy a house ?
  W: Hardly. A house is beyond his means .
  Q: What is true about Bill ?
  A: He doesn’t have enough money to buy a house.
  B: He really doesn’t want to buy a house.
  C: He will have enough money for a house soon.
  【analysis】 In the answer of the woman there are two negative words : hardly and beyond , expressing that Bill is unable to buy a house . So the best answer is A.
  Therefore in the course of study, paying more attention to the information word and mastering them is of great valuable.
  二、 Subjunctive Mood
  Subjunctive mood usually appears In English listening exams , which sets a barrier to the listener , and it creates difficulty to him or her in comprehending the listening material . So it is very important to master the subjunctive mood and keep it in mind .
  If sb did / were… sb would/should/could/might do …
  If sb had done… sb would/should/could/might have done…
  If sb were to/should/did…sb would/should/could/might do…
  The structures of the subjunctive mood are more and not given one by one here .It mainly expresses a kind of unrealized hopes or wills .
  Example 2 :
  W : I am thinking of going to Australia for a visit . Do you think it’s worth seeing ?
  M : Well, I wish I had been there .
  Q : What do we learn from the conversation ?
  A : The man is planning a trip to Australia .
  B : The man has not been to Australia before .
  C : The man had been to Australia before .
  【analysis】In the dialogue the woman asks the man for a piece of advice on her going to Australia for a visit, but the man’s answer is that he wishes he had been to Australia .Here the word “wish” shows us that the man thinks it’s worth going and that he hasn’t been to Australia before . So we should choose B .
  In many cases , if there is a subjunctive mood in the listening test paper , there are three things we should think a lot ---- in what condition what someone can do ,what someone should do and what someone can’t do.
  三、Transition Words
  The words in transition often are used in people’s talking , and it can change the speaker’s attitude, opinion or emotion . If we don’t be careful with it ,we must make a mistake in understanding the speaker’s intention .These words are not too much ,and what we often meet are but, however ,yet and so on .
  Example 3 :
  M : Where have you been all this time ? The train is about to leave .
  W :I’m sorry I’m late , but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstairs . It’s luckily I thought to look for you here on the platform.
  Q : Where did the woman think they were supposed to meet?
  A : At the information desk.
  B : On the platform.
  C : On the train.
  【analysis】There are three mentioned nouns, information desk, platform and train. Many listeners are likely to choose C because they think that the place where the man and the woman should meet is on the train.
  Listening carefully, we find that in the woman’s answer the word“but” is a key word. According to this ,the answer is A.
  From this example, we know that the simple words are not simple, that we should give an eye to them in our everyday study and remembering some English sentence patterns of communication is necessary.
  四、Changes of the word meaning
  Like other languages, English words have many different meanings. If one word is not in the context, it doesn’t have a real meaning. In different situations, many words change a lot. A noun has maybe changed into a verb, in return, a verb has a noun’s meaning in some other occasion.
  Example 4 :
  M: Why didn’t Tom come to work this week?
  W: He can’t. He was fired.
  Q: What reason was given for Tom’s not coming to work?
  A: He was tired of working.
  B: He changed his job.
  C: He was laid off.
  【analysis】 In the woman’s answer there is an important word fired.“fire” has many different meanings and acts as not only a noun but also a verb, but it functions a verb with the meaning “lay off” in the answer sentence. So the best choice is C.
  This example shows that in the English study we should study a word in different context. Only in this way can we master a word exactly.
  However, improving English listening ability is not a day’s effort. The way to listen is not only one. what is more important, the strongest base of English knowledge is the most important , such as phonetics, words and phrases, sentence patterns, English culture and common sense in life. Secondly, doing more listening is in a great need. Thirdly, mastering some skills of listening is necessary.
  In my opinion, what is in the passage above has its own value, especially for solving some problems in comprehension.
教育心理学告诉我们:小学生的年龄特点是好奇心强、模仿性强、生性好动,有意注意持续时间相对较短。语言学习本身就是较为单调枯燥的,作为一个小学英语教师我们不能把一味以教师讲、学生听这种教学形式带入我们的课堂。这样的学习方法势必让孩子们学习兴趣荡然无存。 无论是大人还是孩子只要人们感兴趣的东西,他们就有求知欲,参与欲反之则没有。在学习中我们能否把孩子们的兴趣提高决定了是否能教好英语这门课。可是我们如何提
摘 要:新课程标准指出:初中英语教学应与实际生活相结合,要求学生能够达到“学中用,用中学”的目标,本文结合初中英语教学的实际,从教学内容、教学方式、作业设计三个方面来探讨让初中英语教学生活化,从而达到最佳的教学效果。  关键词:初中英语教学 教学内容 教学方式 作业设计 生活化  一、教学内容生活化  教学内容是教师与学生教与学的蓝本,而我们所用的现行仁爱英语教材内容恰恰贴近了学生的生
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