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  Abstract:Under the guidance of Skopos Theory,this paper completes the translation practice of excerpts from C-E translation of Skopos theory is derived from the theory of functionalism.
  Key words:prose;skopos theory;coherence principle
  I graduated from the Third High School of Chongde County in Shiwan during the summer of the 17 years old.I used my hard work to study all the homework on the curriculum,but apart from earning a hundred percent,I had no other intentions and desires.Therefore,although I graduated from the primary school with the first place,I am completely a child.I don’t care about housework,the world,and my future.There are only mothers and sisters in my family.After I lost my father at the age of nine,my mother was the protector of my father’s job.My family has dozens of acres of land,a small dye shop,and two or three houses.The income of the ordinary year is only for daily use;in the case of a famine,my mother is not trying to save the store and trying to save.My mom is illiterate and cannot read books and read newspapers.Therefore,although the housekeeping business is handled well,it is impossible to know the current affairs.At that time,when the Qing Dynasty was revived in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,the changes in current affairs were fierce,and the mother’s housekeeping was difficult.For example,the abolition of the imperial examination,the rise of the school,the reform of the clothing,the cutting out of the haircuts,etc.,in the eyes of the mother who sits on the family and does not read the newspaper,is like an unpredictable situation.My father is a test of the township and is a person.His father’s books,test baskets(candidates in the Imperial Examination era should be filled with stationery,physical baskets),knowledge rolls,newspapers and clothing,etc.,the mother is strictly preserved,and the future may be revived,can give me reference or application.This is not the hope of my mother.When the people in the village think that the school is not good,I hope that the emperor will take the Long Ting and the Imperial Examination will rejuvenate.“Hong Xian is in place”(Yuan Shikai is the emperor),their hopes have almost reached;although they have not been reached,their hopes are always constant.Some relatives and friends still ask teacher to teach the “Four Books” and “Five Classics” at home,or send their children to private school.They are all people who have a reputation for being active in society.Mothers listened to their arguments and naturally believed to be reliable.Therefore,my mother has spent a lot of troubles about my study.Although I was sent to school,it is doubtful whether it is beneficial in the future.My mother often hurts my father’s early death,and hates that she is an illiterate woman.When she talks about this problem,she often says to us:“The blind man touched the rice field!” But I did not know the other.I seemed to think that people always had no father but only mothers;and mothers always “blindly touched the rice fields.”   So after I graduated from elementary school,my mother’s worries were deeper.The neighbor’s Mr.Shen Yu is the principal of my primary school,our relatives,and the elders with local expectations.My mother asked me about my future problems.He explained to my mother the current academic system,the future of the students,and all kinds of advice.The mother decided to send me to Hangzhou to go to the secondary school.Just as Mr.Shen also sent his son,my classmate Shen Yuanjun,who went to work in Hangzhou,to take the test,and the mother asked him to take me.This is really the luckiest opportunity.Because no one in my family could send me to Hangzhou at the time,even if someone sent it,I didn’t know the way to go to the school.I still remember the hot summer morning.My mother got up early in the morning and gave me a whole outfit.I ate a cake and a donkey and sent me to Shenjia.I took a fast boat with Shen and my son to Changan to take the train.Cakes and scorpions,suggesting the meaning of “high school.” I heard that when my father went to the township test,my grandmother always gave him two kinds of snacks.
  [1]Vermeer,Han J.Skopos and Commission in Translation Action[M].Routledge:New York.2002.
  [2]豐子恺 《此生多珍重》 成都:天地出版社,2017.8
中国是世界上最大的影视市场,有超过10亿的电视观众,有接近6亿的网络视频观众。电视剧行业也是中国增速最快的传媒领域之一,2018年生产完成并获得发行许可证的电视剧共323部,共计13726集。电视剧行业是制作技术最复杂、创造性最丰富的行业之一,中国影视警察及战争题材王牌制片人吴晓先生作为最著名的编剧与最顶尖的制作人,见证了影视产业在中国的兴起、发展、蓬勃,可谓中国这个新兴领域的翘楚。  吴晓先生青
摘 要:本文首先简述彝族传统民歌的种类,进而深入剖析其中的叙事歌“久举合”(jjo jjux hxop),通过介绍“久举合”(jjo jjux hxop)内容形式、分布、历史渊源、衍变过程及“久举合”(jjo jjux hxop)的文化生态,从而分析出彝族传统民歌“久举合”(jjo jjux hxop)如今因族人的不重视及熟练使用和创作叙事歌的人才减少等原因渐渐淡出彝族人民的日常生活,进而提出地方
摘 要:幼儿园阅读区是幼儿早期阅读的主要场所,是培养幼儿阅读习惯的重要领域。阅读区材料投放对幼儿的阅读习惯引导有着不容忽视的关联影响。文中结合《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的相关精神,立足于幼儿的身心特点,从阅读区材料投放的原则、如何选择阅读区的图书材料和非图书材料三个方面提出自己的见解。  关键词:阅读区;环境创设;材料投放;阅读区活动  早期阅读在幼儿认识世界、了解社会和自我觉醒的过程中有着巨
摘 要:随着人们生活水平的日益提高,人们的服装审美要求也变得越来越高,所以通过不同的服装设计方法来设计创意服装面料变得尤为重要,近些年,中國经济发展迅速,综合国力提升,中国文化也越来越受到世界尊重,对于中国纹样的继承和创新就变得越来越关键。五彩鱼藻纹样的发展经历了很长的时间,其中的设计也包含了中国古代人们的审美特点和艺术设计水平。  关键词:五彩鱼藻;纹样;设计;继承传统;创新  1 五彩鱼藻纹样
摘 要:如今,社会经济在不断进步,传统文化和现代文化不断冲击,形成了多元化的文化形式。同样,蒙古舞作为我国传统民族舞种,如今也和现代舞进行了结合,既吸收了现代舞的特色,也保留了蒙古舞的传统元素,获得了观众的青睐。笔者针对现代舞与蒙古族舞蹈语汇的融合发展进行了分析,希望能为广大的相关工作者提供一些参考依据。  关键词:现代舞;蒙古舞;融合;发展  一、蒙古舞蹈的特点  (一)豪放性  蒙古人的一大特
摘 要:众所周知,默剧素有“无声诗”的美誉,因为肢体动作取代了语言,对视觉效果的追求和抽象世界的开拓曾让默剧风行一时。一个人、一把椅子、一只袜子、一些碎纸片...口香糖、开车、葬礼、弃婴,后景幕布上依次显示出四幕名称,这便是拿大顶剧社出品的默剧独角戏《HaHaHa》。2018年9月3日,该剧在成都黑螺艺术空间上演。源自古罗马的默剧,历史久远,兴衰浮沉上千年,而今默剧走进中国的剧场,观众打开默剧有没
摘 要:本文回顾了新世纪以来关于云南抗战时期电影与广播事业以及电化教育发展研究的主要成果和观点,归纳和分类总结了研究特点以及存在的不足之处,展望了今后的研究趋势与方向。  关键词:抗战时期;电影;电化教育  一、引言  电影事业在抗战时期中的作用特别突出,他们不仅是大众的娱乐方式,同样有着教化大众,影响社会环境的作用。本文就国内外的研究状况,从研究综述、研究文献分述以及研究趋势三个方面进行展开,重
摘 要:声乐表演要求舞台表演者應具有很大的舞台感染力和良好的声音掌控力以取得优质的艺术性舞台效果。舞台艺术效果与表演者自身的形、神、情的状态变化紧密相关,因此,形、神、情在声乐表演中至关重要,是舞台艺术表演的一种升华。舞台表演者需要做到声情并茂和形神兼备的原则来演绎舞台艺术。本文主要分析声乐表演舞台艺术的表现形式、表演中形、神、情之间的关系以及声乐表演中形、神、情的舞台艺术效果处理方式。  关键词
摘 要:诗歌是我国传统文化的一部分,相比散文与小说等文学作品,意境更加悠远且内容相对含蓄。随着世界文化融合,诗歌的英译版本逐渐增多,但要想翻译出古代诗人的风格与思想,这对于翻译者的文学素养提出了较大挑战。诗歌英汉翻译,对读者理解文章内涵有积极辅助作用,对诗歌创作文化的现代化发展有着现实意义;对此,加强此方面的研究意义重大。  关键词:诗歌;英汉翻译;对比  英汉版本的诗歌虽然字面意思相同,但在语言