文武兼擅 面面俱全——浅谈京剧尚派艺术特色

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尚小云先生是京剧艺术的重要代表人物之一。早在20世纪20年代末,就与梅兰芳、程砚秋、荀慧生三位并称“四大名旦”。尚小云先生早年曾习武生,后因老师见其面容清俊、扮相秀美而改旦角。也正因为尚小云先生有武生行的功底,在其长期的演出实践中,他根据自身条件以及学艺经历不断地探索求新,形成了刚健挺拔、清新飒爽、歌舞并重的尚派艺术特点。尚派的艺术风格以阳刚见长。这主要表现在两个方面:一方面是其在做功上强 Mr. Shang Xiaoyun is one of the important representatives of Peking opera art. As early as the late 1920s, with Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Xun Huisheng and the three known as the “four famous”. Mr. Shang Xiaoyun had studied martial arts in his early years, after the teacher saw his face Qingjun, beautiful appearance and changed their den. It is also because Mr. Shang Xiaoyun has the foundation of Wu Shenghang. In his long performance, he continuously explores and innovates according to his own conditions and academic experiences, forming the artistic features of being upright, fresh and valiant, enjoying both singing and dancing . Shang sent the art of masculinity. This is mainly manifested in two aspects: on the one hand it is strong in doing their work
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[摘要]本文以促进高职院校旅游英语课程教学质量为目的,以湖南地区为例,调研了旅游英语教学的现状以及存在的实际问题,从而针对这些存在的问题,提出了一些建议。  [关键词]高职院校旅游英语教学问题对策