贵刊去年第6期曾刊登一短文,题目是:盐,迫升血压之元凶。读了该文,我开始严格控制每日的食盐摄入量,再附以药物治疗,血压果然趋于平稳。近日上网,遇一奇文,意思是人的血压与空气污染状况有涉!根据对2600个成年人的调查,得出了这样的结论:Pollution may cause changes in the part of the nervous system that controls blood pressure.文章又同时说明:Exactly how pollution might cause blood pressure to climb remains unclear.人体之奥妙由此可见一斑。
In the 6th issue of your magazine last year, you published an essay titled “Salt, the culprit in forcing blood pressure.” After reading this article, I began to strictly control the daily salt intake, coupled with medical treatment, blood pressure has stabilized. Recently, the Internet, in the case of a strange text, means that people’s blood pressure is related to the status of air pollution! According to a survey of 2,600 adults, it was concluded that the poison may cause changes in the part of the nervous system that controls blood Pressure. The article also shows that: Exactly how pollution can cause blood pressure to climb will unclear.