Simultaneous catalytic removal of NOx and diesel PM over La0.9 K0.1 CoO3 catalyst assisted by plasma

来源 :环境科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hz_shenff
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The simultaneous removal of NOx and particulate matter(PM) from diesel exhaust is investigated over a mixed metal oxide catalyst of La0.9 K0.1 CoO3 loaded on γ-Al2O3 spherules with the assistant of plasma. It was found that NOx was reduced by PM in oxygen rich atmosphere, the CO2 and N2 were produced in the same temperature window without considering the N2 formed by plasma decomposition. As a result, the temperature for the PM combustion decreases and the reduction efficiency of NOx to N2 increases during the plasma process, which indicated that the activity of the catalyst can be improved by plasma. The NOx is decomposed by plasma at both low temperature and high temperature. Therefore, the whole efficiency of NOx conversion is enhanced.
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