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一、问题的提出多年来,马克思的劳动价值论成为经济学家研究的热点之一,但这一理论的深刻内涵及其应用价值并未得到充分挖掘。西方学者大多把马克思看作古典经济学家,并把劳动价值论当作对斯密、李嘉图理论的直接继承,实际上贬低了它的意义。社会主义国家的马克思主义经济学研究者又大多认为,马克思的劳动价值论只是比古典经济学家更彻底地坚持了价值决定的一元论。这种看法也过于狭隘,给我们理解和应用马克思的劳动价值论带来了诸多困扰。 First, the question raised Over the years, Marx's labor theory of value has become one of the hot topics economists, but the profound meaning of this theory and its application value has not been fully tapped. Most Western scholars regard Marx as a classical economist, and regard labor theory of value as a direct inheritance of Smith's and Ricardian theories, effectively detracting from it. Most of Marxist economics researchers in socialist countries think that Marx's labor theory of value is only a more radical adherence to the monistic theory of value determination than the classical economists. This view is also too narrow, giving us a lot of trouble to understand and apply Marx's labor theory of value.
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