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  (Freddie and his friends have experienced Spring, Summer and Fall.)
  One day a very strange thing happened. The same breezes that, in the past, had made the leaves dance began to push and pull at their stems, almost as if they were angry. This caused some of the leaves to be torn from their branches and dropped to the ground. Leaves fell throughout the park. All the leaves became frightened.
  “It’s what happens in Fall,” Daniel told them.“It’s time for leaves to change their home. Some people call it to die.”
  “Will we all die?” Freddie asked.
  “Yes,” Daniel answered. “Everything dies. No matter how big or small, how weak or strong. We first do our job. We experience the sun and the moon, the wind and the rain. We learn to dance and to laugh. And then we die.”
  “I won’t die!” said Freddie with determination. “Will you, Daniel?”
  “Yes,” answered Daniel, “when it’s my time.”
  “When is that?”
  “No one knows for sure,” Daniel responded.
  Freddie noticed that other leaves continued to fall. He thought, “It must be their time.” Soon Freddie’s branch was almost bare.
  “I’m afraid to die,” Freddie told Daniel. “I don’t know what’s down there.”
  “We all fear what we don’t know, Freddie. It’s natural,” Daniel reassured him. “They were natural changes. Why should you be afraid of the season of death?”
  “Does the tree die, too?” Freddie asked.
  “Someday. But there is something stronger than the tree. It’s Life. That lasts forever and we are all part of Life.”
  “Where will we go when we die?”
  “No one knows for sure. That’s the great mystery!”
  “Will we return in the Spring?”
  “We may not, but Life will.”
  “Then what’s been the reason for all of this? Why were we here at all if we only have to fall and die?”
  Daniel answered in his matter-of-fact way,“It’s been about the sun and the moon. It’s been about happy times together. It’s been about the shade and the old people and the children. It’s been about the birds and the animals, and the colors in Fall. Isn’t that enough?”
  That afternoon, in the golden light of dusk, Daniel let go. He fell effortlessly.
  The first snow fell the following morning. It was soft, and white, and gentle; but it was bitter cold. Freddie found himself losing his color, becoming 1)brittle. The snow weighed heavily upon him. Soon he was alone, the only leaf left on his tree.
  A short time later, the wind came that took Freddie from his branch. It didn’t hurt at all. He felt himself float quietly, gently and softly downward. As he fell, he saw the whole tree for the first time. How strong and firm it was! He was sure it would live for a long time and he knew that he had been a part of its life and it made him proud.   Freddie landed on a clump of snow. It somehow felt soft and even warm. In this new position he was more comfortable than he had ever been. He closed his eyes. It was almost like falling asleep. Freddie didn’t know that Spring would follow Winter and that the snow would melt into water. He didn’t know that what appeared to be his useless dried self would join with the water and serve to make the tree stronger. Most of all, he didn’t know that there, asleep in the tree and the ground, were already plans for new leaves and new flowers, for all the wonderful new growth of the Spring.
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