
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jy02132679
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Aim: To determine the rate of development of ocular disease in patients presenting with mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) involving their oral mucosa. Methods: Diagnosis of oral MMP was made on the basis of clinical signs,histology, and direct and indirect immunofluorescence. Age, race, sex, age at diagnosis, progression of eye signs, duration of follow up, and time to progression of ocular disease were recorded. Results: 30 patients with established oral MMP were reviewed. The mean age at diagnosis was 65.2 years (range 46-84 years) and 16/30 (53%) were male. At initial ocular review nine (30%) patients showed ocular signs of pemphigoid, of whom two had mild (IIA IIIB), four moderate (IIB IIIC), and three severe (IIC IIID) disease. The mean interval between diagnosis of oral MMP and first ophthalmic review was 19.3 months (range 0-144). Over the period of follow up two (7%) patients developed ocular disease at 19 months and 48 months, respectively, despite having had no evidence of ocular involvement at presentation. In total, 11 (37%) patients with oral disease eventually showed ocular disease with a calculated incidence rate for the development of ocular disease of 0.03 per person year over 5 years. Conclusions: MMP may affect different tissues at different stages, often separated by many years. Patients with MMP involving their oral mucosa are at significant risk of developing ocular disease and should remain under ophthalmic review. Aim: To determine the rate of development of ocular disease in patients presenting with mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) involving their oral mucosa. Methods: Diagnosis of oral MMP was made on the basis of clinical signs, histology, and direct and indirect immunofluorescence. Age , race, sex, age at diagnosis, progression of eye signs, duration of follow up, and time to progression of ocular disease were recorded. Results: 30 patients with established oral MMP were reviewed. The mean age at diagnosis was 65.2 years (range Atopic ocular signs nine (30%) patients showed ocular signs of pemphigoid, of whom two had mild (IIA IIIB), four moderate (IIB IIIC), and The mean interval between diagnosis of oral MMP and first ophthalmic review was 19.3 months (range 0-144). Over the period of follow up two (7%) patients developed ocular disease at 19 months and 48 months, respectively, despite having had no evidence of ocu lar involvement at presentation. In total, 11 (37%) patients with oral disease culled from ocular disease with a rate of incidence of for development of ocular disease of 0.03 per person year over 5 years. Conclusions: MMP may affect different tissues at different stages, often separated by many years. Patients with MMP involving oral mucosa are at a significant risk of developing ocular disease and should remain under ophthalmic review.
摘 要:随着我国市场经济的快速发展,人民生活的水平不断提高,港口企业产业也蓬勃生长起来。与此同时,港口企业的税收机制也发生了翻天覆地的變革,对于港口企业的营业税改增值税的措施就是一个全新的举措。本文针对营改增的相关情况进行简要的阐述,提出营改增对于港口企业财务管理的影响情况,进一步分析并得出解决对策,希冀本文能够为港口企业核算及管理细节提供可靠的借鉴和参考依据。  关键词:营改增;港口企业;企业税
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