Coagulation research is no longer limited to hematologists. At a meeting called “Coagulation, Cancer, and Inflammation,” held not long ago, Edgington, chairman of the conference, pointed out that the clotting process is not only the site of thrombus researchers, but also an important patient response system. It is currently believed that coagulation is not only necessary to prevent traumatic bleeding, but that activation of coagulation appears to be part of the body’s immune response. The effects of abnormal blood coagulation on vascular diseases (including coronary heart disease) have long been known, and recent studies have shown that the blood coagulation process also involves allergic and inflammatory conditions. In addition, the deposition of blood clots around the cancer cells can also contribute to the proliferation of malignant tumors. The role of cells in the activation of the coagulation system and the fibrinolysis system in the last 3 to 4 years is increasingly understood. Including macrophages