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春回大地,人们厚实的冬装悄然隐退,许多人猛然发现焐了一冬的身体胖了许多,于是想到各种健美方法,想到注意饮食,并出外郊游。人们的食物原料开始变化,鲜蔬成了宠儿。在众多的鲜蔬中,薇菜被淡忘了许久许久。其实,它的价值本不应遭此冷遇。 薇菜,又称大巢菜,豆科,多年生草本植物,长在山间麦田或水边,偶数羽状复叶,小叶线状长椭圆形,夏秋开花。《诗经·召南·草虫》言:“陟彼南山,言采其薇。”薇菜是我国古代常见的救荒解饥之物。早在商周之际,武王平定殷乱,建立周朝,天下皆宗周,而伯夷、叔齐耻之,义不食周粟,隐于首阳山,采薇而食。不久,有人说:“普天之下莫非王土,食其土之所出,即为之臣。”于是伯夷、叔齐不食薇菜,终因饥饿而死。到唐代,白居易也曾采薇以解饥,并作有《续古诗》言: 朝采山上薇,暮采山上薇。岁晏薇亦尽,饥来何所为?坐饮白石水,手把青松枝。击节独长歌,其声清且悲。……行行歌此曲,以慰常苦饥。 Spring back to the earth, thick winter clothes quietly retreat, many people suddenly found a cold winter body fat a lot, so think of a variety of bodybuilding methods, think of diet, and outing. People began to change the food ingredients, fresh vegetables became the darling. In many fresh vegetables, Wei dish was forgotten for a long time. In fact, its value should not have been this cold case. Osmunda, also known as the big nest dishes, legumes, perennial herbs, wheat or water in the mountains in the long, even pinnate, lobular linear oblong, summer and autumn flowering. “The Book of Songs called South grass worm” words: “Hey Pei Nan, Yan mining its Wei.” Osmunda is a common ancient Chinese hunger solution. As early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties, King Wu calm Yin chaos, the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, the world are all weeks, and Bo Yi, uncle shameful, meaning not food Zhou Su, hidden in the first Yangshan, Cai Wei and food. Soon, someone said: “Are we all over the world the king of soil, the soil of its food, that is the minister.” So Bo Yi, uncle did not eat osmanthus, and eventually died of hunger. To the Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi also adopted Wei to relieve hunger, and made “continued ancient poetry,” said: North Korea mining mountains, twilight mining hill Wei. Yan Wei also make years of old, what to eat? Shiraishi water, pine branches. Strike festival alone song, the sound clear and sad. ...... OK song this song, to comfort the bitter hunger.
女人穿衣服自己说了算,但也是给别人看的,谁让我们不是生活在真空里?男人说的话,女人可以听,也可以不听,但是听听,绝对无妨大碍。 Women wear their own have the final say
餐桌上热气腾腾的鲜汤,常使人垂涎欲滴,特别是在冬春季,汤既能暖人,又能使人胃口大开。 煲汤往往选择富含蛋白质的动物原料,最好用牛、羊、猪骨和鸡、鸭骨等。做汤时,先将原
本文是作者在多年的玉米机械化播种技术推广过程中,通过对推广使用2BFC1型侧充式单体播种机的具体实践而总结出该机器的播种作业工艺。 This article is the author in many yea
(一) 1938年秋,在嘉陵江上颇为有名的周口,就是当地人人皆知的成了定论的“好个蓬溪生坏周口”的周口,我坐的煤炭船在周口上游约五里地就不走了。原来船老板要办喜事。我阮囊