近日,2015年中国设计红星奖颁奖典礼在京举行。今年共有来自18个国家1566家企业的6025件产品参评。参评企业中,初创企业约占10%,京、津、冀地区企业约占20%。经过两轮评审,共有176家企业的289件产品获奖,联想集团YOGA3 PRO笔记本电脑获得至尊金奖。红星奖组委会相关负责人表示,2015年红星奖参评产品呈现出四大特点:一是体现尖端科技、高端制造的重器,如宇航员训练的中国空间站太空实验舱、适应-40℃环境运行的高寒动车组。获奖产品中,高铁、大型机械、智能机器人、3D打印机、无人机等产品数量达获奖总量的30%以上;二是体现了
Recently, the 2015 China Red Star Award ceremony was held in Beijing. This year a total of 6025 products from 1566 enterprises in 18 countries participated in the competition. Participating enterprises, start-ups accounted for about 10%, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei enterprises accounted for about 20%. After two rounds of reviews, a total of 289 products from 176 companies won the award, and Lenovo YOGA3 PRO notebook computer won the Gold Medal. Red Star Organizing Committee official said the 2015 Star Awards exhibitors products show four characteristics: First, to demonstrate cutting-edge technology, high-end manufacturing of heavy equipment, such as astronauts training China Space Station space experimental module to adapt to -40 ℃ environment Cold-moving EMU running. Winning products, high-speed rail, large machinery, intelligent robots, 3D printers, unmanned aerial vehicles and other products amounted to more than 30% of the total award; the second is reflected