
来源 :体育世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maldininikanjun
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我们学校是一所新兴的企业培养各种专业人才的学校,学校体育工作是学校工作不可忽略的重要内容,是培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的技术人才的重要方面。我们在开展这项工作时,针对学生来自于工作现场,年龄偏大,身体条件差等特点,除按上级及体育教学大纲要求,编制合理的教学计划,进行有效的课堂教学工作外,主要考虑了如何组织开展好丰富多彩的课外体育活动。课外休育活动主要包括:早操、课间操、课外体育活动,课外体育锻炼,运动竞赛、运动训练以及校外体育等内容和形式。我们是这样组织和实践这些活动的:第一部分:早操、课间操及课间体育活动1、早操、课间操首先,学校对上好“两操”活动非常重视把它列入了重要的议事日程。这对提高学生的体质,养成良好的生活习惯,加强组织纪律观念,培养集体主义荣誉感、锻炼思想品质和意志品质都有很重要的意义和作用。为了做好这项工作,我们在新生刚入校第一堂体育课中就组织他们进行广播操的教学,并利用业余时间进行专门练习和辅导,在统一上操时,队前领操示范,使他们能尽快掌握。在做操时,我们要求学生做到队列要整齐,动作要规范, Our school is an emerging enterprise that nurtures professionals of all kinds. School physical education is an important part of school work that can not be neglected. It is also an important aspect of cultivating the all-round development of technical personnel with moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor qualifications. In carrying out this work, in view of the characteristics of the students coming from the job site, over-age and poor physical conditions, we should consider mainly the requirements of higher education and physical education programs, formulate reasonable teaching plans and conduct effective classroom teaching. How to organize a good variety of extracurricular sports activities. Extracurricular activities include: morning exercises, gymnastics classes, extracurricular sports activities, extracurricular sports training, sports competitions, sports training and off-campus sports and other content and form. We organized and practiced these activities in the following ways: Part 1: Morning exercises, interscholastic exercises and interscholastic sports 1, Morning exercises and class exercises First of all, the school placed great emphasis on the “good practices” and the “two exercises” activities Important agenda. This is to improve students’ physique, develop good habits, strengthen the organization of the concept of discipline, develop a sense of collectivism honor, exercise ideological and will quality has a very important significance and role. In order to do this well, we organize the teaching of radio exercises in the first physical education class of freshmen and take part in the special exercises and counseling in our spare time. In unification, They can grasp as soon as possible. In doing gymnastics, we require students to be neat to the queue, the action should be standardized,
一、解词: 1.再感染 2.大流行 3.传染病 4.帕氏线二、填空 1.细菌性痢疾的病原体是_______。急性菌痢的临床表现可分为三型_______、_______和_____________;凡是菌痢病程超