
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cainong_111
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在日本名古屋、京都、奈良等地的一些幼稚园里,规定每月25日至27日之间安排一次全园生日庆祝活动,为该月出生的幼儿及教师开生日庆祝会,即使在假期里也不例外。这已成为日本幼稚园社会科目情感教育的重要内容。我们在京都教育大学附属幼稚园参观时,正巧碰上该园的生日庆祝活动。5月25日上午10时20分,全园教师和幼儿集中在大游戏室内。园长问全体幼儿:“现在是几月份?”在得到孩子们的正确回答之后,她宣布今天要为5月份出生的小朋友和老师过生日。接着园长请4月份出生的孩子手拿礼品——自制纸圈花环、绒纸戒子及图画等走到台前,再逐一点名邀请5月份出生的孩子接受一个礼品,然后站在台上。园长接着请5月份出生的教师走到台前接受礼品后上台与孩子们站在一起。当过生日的幼儿和教师都被请上台之后,园长要求他们依次向大家介绍自己的姓名和年龄,并说一句在这一场合最合适的话,例如,“谢谢大家。”介绍完毕,全体师生为他们唱生日歌。过生日的孩子在歌声与掌声中回到自己的座位。 In some kindergartens in Nagoya, Kyoto, Nara and other places in Japan, it is stipulated that a celebration of the park’s whole life should be arranged between the 25th and the 27th of each month to celebrate the birth of children and teachers born in that month. Even during the holidays No exception. This has become an important part of emotional education in Japanese kindergartens. When we visited kindergarten in Kyoto University of Education, we happened to run into the park’s birthday celebration. At 10:20 on May 25, the whole garden teachers and children concentrated in the big game room. The headmaster asks all the children: “What is the current month?” After getting the correct answers from the children, she announced she wants to have a birthday for children and teachers born in May today. Then the headmaster invited the children born in April to take the gifts - self-made paper ring garland, velvet paper ring and drawings, etc. went to the stage, and then click on the name invited to the child born in May to accept a gift, and then stood on the stage. The headmaster then asked the teacher born in May to go to the stage and take the gift before taking office with the children. After the children and teachers who have finished their birthday are invited to come to power, the principal requests them to tell their names and ages one by one and say the most appropriate words for this occasion, for example, “Thank you.” After the introduction, all teachers Students sing birthday songs for them. Birthday children return to their seats in song and applause.
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