High demand for firewood leads to overuse of walnut-fruit forests in Kyrgyzstan

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y810417
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After Kyrgyzstan gained independence in 1991, the importance of the primary sector for food- and energy-supply increased significantly.This has led to a discussion about the sustainability of current firewood use.We investigated firewood collection and use practices in three selected villages and analysed differences between the annual increment of woody biomass and firewood consumption for heating during winter months.The calculated individual firewood consumption is on average 3.90 kg/capita/heating day and the calculation of differences between increment and consumption shows that in minimum one village the surrounding forests are overused for firewood collection.Pressure on the forest and the overuse of preferred tree species for firewood can lead to an overuse of the resource and to a decrease in the genetic diversity of these species in the walnut-fruit forests which are considered as a biodiversity hotspot of international significance due to the diversity of woody. After Kyrgyzstan acquired independence in 1991, the importance of the primary sector for food- and energy-supply increased significantly ..This has led to a discussion about the sustainability of current firewood use. We investigated firewood collection and use practices in three selected villages and analysed differences between the annual increment of woody biomass and firewood consumption for heating during the months months. The calculated individual firewood consumption is on average 3.90 kg / capita / heating day and the calculation of differences between increment and consumption that that in minimum one village the surrounding forests are overused for firewood collection.Pressure on the forest and the overuse of preferred tree species for firewood can lead to an overuse of the resource and to a decrease in the genetic diversity of these species in the walnut-fruit forests which are considered as a biodiversity hotspot of international significance due to the diversity of woody.
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南瓜营养丰富,又富含多种矿物质,天寒地冻时,来一碗香甜可口的南瓜羹,让你从内到外都温暖起来。只需用几款简单的原料,就能制作出口感软糯又老少皆宜的甜品,赶紧动手试试吧!  原料  南瓜250克,糯米粉50克,糖1茶匙(5克), 蜂蜜2茶匙(10毫升)  做法  1 南瓜去皮洗净后,切成小片放入蒸锅内,蒸锅内的水烧沸后,继续蒸12分钟左右,用筷子很容易扎透时就熟了。  2 把蒸好的南瓜放入搅拌机中搅打