
来源 :山东税务纵横 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clubshe
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1999年 ,我省国税系统始终坚持以组织收入为中心 ,本着“向管理要收入、向稽查要收入、向清欠要收入”的工作思路 ,创造性地开展工作 ,克服经济增长趋缓、消费增长缓慢、物价低迷等不利因素 ,圆满完成了收入任务。据统计 ,1 999年 ,全省共组织税收收入 4 5 2 .1 9亿元 ,比上年 In 1999, the provincial tax system in our province always adhered to the principle of taking organization income as the center and creatively carried out work in line with the work train of “making revenue from management, earning revenue from inspection, and earning due to paying debts”, to overcome the slowdown of economic growth and consumption Slow growth, depressed prices and other unfavorable factors, successfully completed the task of income. According to statistics, in 1999, the province organized a total tax revenue of 45,291 million yuan, up from the previous year
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消化性溃疡是常见病、多发病。为此,笔者经反复多次研制,制备了愈疡灵混悬液,且用于临床后收到了较满意的疗效,现简介如下:处方:硫酸钠(芒硝)20g呋喃唑酮片 1g维生素B_6片 0
Ideas from engineering have helped the understanding of biological organisms for thousands of years. However, the me- chanical aspects of biological materials a
财政部内设机构调整后 ,一些读者询问 :新设的国库司有哪些工作任务 ,今年下半年要抓哪些工作 ?为此 ,记者采访了国库司负责人。记者 :国库司的工作任务是什么 ?国库司负责人
泰安市国税局自 1 994年 1 0月成立以来 ,连年超额完成税收计划任务 ,不断深化税收征管改革 ,加强税务干部队伍建设 ,进一步提高了税收执法水平、管理水平、服务水平 ,两个文
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