掌握强大思想武器 加强思想政治工作——学习江泽民同志关于加强和改进思想政治工作重要论述的体会

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以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体从事关党和国家前途命运的高度,对新形势新情况下思想政治工作如何在继承和发扬优良传统的基础上,在内容、形式、方法、手段、机制等方面进行创新和改进,作出了一系列的重要论述,突出新的时代特点,回答新的形势发展要求,系统全面地阐述了新形势下党的思想政治工作的重要地位、主要任务、指导思想和基本要求,精辟地分析了新时期党的思想政治工作需要注意把握的有关重大问题,为进一步加强和改进思想政治工作指明了方向,是新形势下加强和改进思想政治工作的强大思想武器,是开创思想政治工作新局面的行动纲领,是对党的第一代、第二代领导核心毛泽东、邓小平关于加强和改进思想政治工作重要思想的丰富和发展。宣传思想战线的党员干部,必须认真学习领会、全面贯彻落实,发挥好思想政治工作的强大优势,推进现代化建设伟大事业。 The third generation of the central collective leadership with Jiang Zemin at the core is concerned with the future and destiny of the party and the country. On the basis of inheriting and developing the fine traditions of ideological and political work under the new situation and new circumstances, the third generation of the central leadership, with its contents, forms, methods and means, Mechanism and other aspects, made a series of important expositions, highlighted the characteristics of the new era, answered the new requirements of the development of the situation, and systematically and comprehensively expounded the important status, main tasks and guidance of the party’s ideological and political work under the new situation Ideology and basic requirements of the CPC, make an ingenious analysis of the major issues that need to be paid attention to by the party’s ideological and political work in the new era, and point out the direction for further strengthening and improving ideological and political work. This is a powerful ideological weapon for strengthening and improving ideological and political work in the new situation Is a program of action for creating a new situation in ideological and political work and an enrichment and development of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping’s important thinking on strengthening and improving ideological and political work of the party’s first and second generation leaders. Party members and cadres who propagandize their ideological front must conscientiously study and understand, comprehensively implement and give full play to the great advantages of ideological and political work and push forward the great cause of modernization.
英《医学新闻》第14卷第26期(1982年)转摘《柳叶刀》杂志文章:伦敦国王学院医院肝脏研究单位可能已经发现一种使人们对酒精性肝损害(包括肝硬化)更易感的遗传标记物. 尽管已
考试质量分析是教学中进行测控评估的必经之途。它的工作量大,而且还要认真细致、面面俱到,这样才能有助于促进师生素质共同提高和发展的目的。这里只是我个人对考试质量分析的一管之见。    一、具体操作及原理:    关于试卷的分析   1、考试信度的分析:信度是分析的前提。当我们建构和检测评估教学效果时,我们通常使用信度这个指标。简单地说,信度就是指测试结果的可靠性程度,也就是说试卷能否稳定地测查到它要