High-reflectivity high-contrast grating focusing reflector on silicon-on-insulator wafer

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jewellerymay
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A high-contrast grating(HCG) focusing reflector providing phase front control of reflected light and high reflectivity is proposed and fabricated.Basic design rules to engineer this category of structures are given in detail.A 1550 nm TM polarized incident light of 11.86 mm in focal length and 0.8320 in reflectivity is obtained in experiment.The wavelength dependence of the fabricated HCGs from 1530 nm to 1580 nm is also tested.The test results show that the focal length is in the range of 11.81-12 mm,which is close to the designed focal length of 15 mm.The reflectivity is almost above 0.56 within a bandwidth of 50 nm.At a distance of 11.86 mm,the light is focused to a round spot with the highest concentration,which is much smaller than the size of the incident beam.The FWHM of the reflected light beam decreases to 120 nm,and the intensity increases to 1.18. A high-contrast grating (HCG) focusing reflector providing phase front control of reflected light and high reflectivity is proposed and fabricated.Basic design rules to engineer this category of structures are given in detail. A 1550 nm TM polarized incident light of 11.86 mm in focal length and 0.8320 in reflectivity is obtained in the experiment. The wavelength dependence of the fabricated HCGs from 1530 nm to 1580 nm is also tested. The test results show that the focal length is in the range of 11.81-12 mm, which is close to the designed focal length of 15 mm. The reflectivity is almost above 0.56 within a bandwidth of 50 nm. At a distance of 11.86 mm, the light is focused to a round spot with the highest concentration, which is much smaller than the size of the The incident beam. The FWHM of the reflected light beam decreases to 120 nm, and the intensity increases to 1.18.
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一  新学期,在八(2)班实习的那个很帅的语文老师走了,换了个40多岁戴眼镜的田老师当班主任。  坐后排的哥们,心里暗暗高兴:这“瓶底”好厚!坐后排就成了一个自由王国!  星期一下午第二节课是田老师的语文课,他说要检查作文。说是检查作文,不过是念作文而已,就是当堂点同学站起来念自己的作文稿。擅长写作的同学,当然愿意念,因为有机会表现自己的文采;作文不好的谁也不想被点到,怕念出来让人笑话。  胡济海