On the feasibility of re-stimulation of shale wells

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pww030
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As a result of advances in horizontal completions and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, the U.S. has been able to economically develop several decades of worth of natural gas. However, a considerable concern has risen on the economic viability of shale gas development for reasons associated with the fast production declines as well as recent down-turns of natural gas prices besides rises in the costs of new technologies. Therefore, an economic analysis is required to investigate the profitability of the refracturing treatment of unconventional gas resources. Net present value of cash flows and internal rate of return are calculated for a range of gas prices considering 20 years of natural gas production from a typical unconventional shale gas reservoir. A systematic comparison is then accomplished for three scenarios:(1) re-fracturing versus no refracturing,(2) combination of re-fracturing and drilling new wells, and(3) time-dependent re-fracturing treatment.Further, this paper incorporates the cost of re-fracturing treatment, the cost of drilling a new horizontal well, the water treatment cost, as well as the current and future price of natural gas in the model. The findings of this work would help the future re-stimulation development plans of the emerging unconventional shale gas plays. As a result of advances in horizontal completions and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, the US has been able to economically develop several decades of worth of natural gas. However, a substantial concern has risen on the economic viability of shale gas development for reasons associated with the fast production declines as well as recent down-turns of natural gas prices also rises in the costs of new technologies. Therefore, an economic analysis is required to investigate the profitability of the refracturing treatment of unconventional gas resources. Net present value of cash flows and internal rate of return are calculated for a range of gas prices considering 20 years of natural gas production from a typical unconventional shale gas reservoir. A systematic comparison is then accomplished for three scenarios: (1) re-fracturing versus no refracturing, (2 ) combination of re-fracturing and drilling new wells, and (3) time-dependent re-fracturing treatment. Future, this paper incorpo rates the cost of re-fracturing treatment, the cost of drilling a new horizontal well, the water treatment cost, as well as the current and future price of natural gas in the model. The findings of this work would help the future re-stimulation development plans of the emerging unconventional shale gas plays.
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