Questionnaires in language teaching research

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  Questionnaires are often used to examine people’s attitudes,beliefs and behaviors in language learning and teaching.The data we get from questionnaire research can be especially insightful and satisfying when patterns emerge from a large number of respondents,when apparent differences or similarities are found among groups,or when relationships are ascertained among variables.As researchers,we feel empowered when we make recommendations for learning and teaching if the pattern we find is not only salient and strong,but also attested on a large scale.
  However,by nature,survey research is exploratory and shallow.It often does not go beyond pattern finding or relationship mapping.The patterns themselves are long on description and short on explanation.And of course,with every pattern there are exceptions.
  Most consumers of our research only care about our conclusions and pedagogical implications.As researchers,however,it is our responsibility to make sure that we have selected the right tool,and that the tool we have used to reach our conclusions is indeed trustworthy.
  The questionnaire as a research instrument has been a concern for applied linguistics for some time.As early as 1990,Reid (1990) traced the processes in developing her learning styles measure and boldly revealed the ‘dirty laundry of ESL [English as a second language] survey research’.Luppescu and Day (1990) attempted to develop a questionnaire to canvass the attitudes and beliefs of Japanese learners and teachers towards the learning of English,but found it difficult to validate the student questionnaire.In fact,instead of arriving at any conclusions about student beliefs,they presented a ‘more important conclusion’,that ‘questionnaire data should not blindly be accepted or considered meaningful unless they have been properly validated.
  Compared to other fields such as the social sciences,education,marketing,and medicine that extensively make use of questionnaires,applied linguists have paid only cursory attention to the questionnaire tool itself.Despite an occasional paper on questionnaire validation (e.g.Brown,1997) or issues involved in using the Likert scale (e.g.Busch,1993; Gu,Wen,& Wu,1995),questionnaire design and validation remained a topic rarely touched upon until the end of the 20th century.Even up until this day,D?rnyei and Taguchi (2010; first edition published in 2003).Only a few papers (e.g.Petri? & Czárl,2003) showcase how a questionnaire can be validated.   With these precious efforts,novice researchers today have much clearer guidance in the process of questionnaire design and validation.However,applied linguists have barely explored the major issues involved in the analysis of questionnaire data.One example would be the analysis of Likert scale data.It is now time for the field to pay more attention not just to what a questionnaire study reveals,but also to how the questionnaire is designed,validated,and analyzed.
  Questionnaire research is often seen as ‘quick and dirty’.While the administration of a questionnaire does seem quick,the development,validation,and analysis of the questionnaire are far from a quick and easy process.Another common practice that makes it feel easy is the adoption/adaptation of existing questionnaires.Again,this is not as straightforward as it seems.In commenting on Park’s (2014) recent validation of the FLCAS,Horwitz (2016) emphasized the point that the factor structure of the foreign language anxiety scale may vary from group to group,and that: future empirical efforts to understand the components of FLA [foreign language anxiety] should clearly delineate the specific learner population and learning context being examined to determine if,and if so,how the construct of FLA differs across learning populations and situations.
  [1]Brown,J.D.Designing surveys for language programs.In D.T.Griffee & D.Nunan (Eds.),Classroom teachers and classroom research[J].Tokyo: JALT,1997: 109-121.
  [2] Brown,J.D.Likert items and scales of measurement[J]? SHIKEN: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter,2011,15:10-14.
  [3]Gu,Y.,Wen,Q.,& Wu,D.How often is often: Reference ambiguities of the Likert-scale in language learning strategy research[J].Occasional Papers in English Language Teaching,ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.ED 391 358.1995,5:19-35.
摘 要:对话教学是以师生心理世界的开放为特征,以互动为方式,通过语言交融、心灵交流,师生双方均从对话中获得道德和理性的升華。而语文对话教学则是指教师引导学生在听、说、读、写、思等语文教学实践中,以感悟、体验、倾听、沟通、合作为主要特征,在复杂丰富而且生动活泼的对话场中,通过与文本、作者、生活、自然、社会、人生等多元对话,达到视界的融合、精神的交融、思想的碰撞、情感的交流,从而有自己的独特发现,形成
摘 要:部编人教版语文九下教材第六单元开头两篇文言文是《曹刿论战》和《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》,在教学过程中,学生对于课文的一些理解性问题产生了疑惑,并积极思考、认真讨论。虽然其答案与权威答案不完全相符,但教师应给予重视和鼓励,因为这正体现了“学贵有疑”的思想。  关键词:语文课堂;发散思维;课堂生成  课堂生成一:鲁庄公鄙不鄙?  部编人教版语文九下教材第六单元第一篇文言文是《曹刿论战》,在讲授这篇课文
摘 要:师生关系,是社会关系体系中一个多因素的关系体系。良好的师生关系是提高教育质量的前提条件。教育需要爱来支撑,教师只有把爱的甘泉洒向学生的心田,让学生感觉到教师的关心,使学生获得心灵上的满足,才能引起对教师的亲近、崇敬和信任,才能缩短师生的心理距离,形成良好的师生关系,从而产生良好的教育效果。  关键词:师生关系;师爱  师生关系,是社会关系体系中一个多因素的关系体系,它既反映了社会政治、经济
很多来自偏远乡村幼儿园的年轻教师与城镇幼儿园年轻教师的教育教学水平有着很大的差距。为何在幼儿师范毕业的同样基础之上,经历了三至五年,就有这样大的差距,是她们在需要成长的路上,停下了脚步吗。笔者带着这样沉重的话题,对影响幼儿教师成长最大因素的乡村园本教研进行了深入的调查剖析。  一、掀起你的盖头来,让我看清你的全部  为了能准确地揭示出当前乡村幼儿园园本教研状况,我们对来自乡村幼儿园的二十位较年轻的
The study of learning strategies is an important part in the field of second language acquisition,which is recognized that some language learners learn a second language more effectively and successfu
摘 要:在经济、文化、贸易全球化进行不断推进的新时期,国家间的交流也越发频繁,因此对于英语人才的需求标准也变得越来越高。英语作为一门国际通用的世界性语言,在日常生活与工作当中的应用范围已经越发广泛。对于中职学生而言,英语口语水平的提高已经提上日程。  关键词:中职英语;口语能力;能力培养  我国以往的英语教学课堂过多地受到传统应试性教学模式的禁锢,教师只关注对学生的词汇、语法、作文能力的教学,却忽
摘 要:“师者,所以传道授业解惑也”。教师就是传授道理、讲授学业、解答疑难问题的。贯穿其中的灵魂是爱心,这颗爱心体现在对学生的关心、关爱上,体现在对教师职业的喜爱上。爱自己的学生、无论他成绩好坏,都不放弃对他们的教育和培养;爱自己的职业,无论什么时候都站在主人翁的立场去工作。  关键词:特殊;闪光点;情感融合;激励;育人  “离离原上草,一树一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”每当想起这几句诗词,我
Abstract:This paper discusses the translation of English film titles from the perspective of domestication and foreignization.The purpose of this paper is to apply domestication and foreignization str