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如何理解和辨别引号用法,简述如下: 一、根据引号内的句子的句式、语法作分析推测。可判断出引用类的。这类题目最直观、最平常的一种是直接引述部分,稍难一些的是所引的文言句、古代诗歌、名人名言等,转述中的内容只是为了某一种需要,而含意不改变。如:①我读得很快,囫囵吞枣,大有“好读书不求其解”的味道。②于是,我得了个“甲优”,教师在文中又圈又点。③祖父替我讲解“北溟有鱼其名为鲲……”④中国古时候有个文学家叫做司马迁的说过:“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”等等,这四句话所用引号都是为了表情达意的需要运用的,都可归为此类。 二、根据引号内的内容,看有无引号时语气有无变化,语意有无变化。如果不用引号时,此内容含意无变化,而整个语境的着重点不明显了.即语气减弱.这时.此引号用法 How to understand and identify the usage of quotation marks, briefly described as follows: First, according to the sentence patterns and grammar of the quotation marks, the analysis is presumed. Can determine the reference class. One of the most intuitive and common types of such topics is the direct quotations. Some of the more difficult ones are quoted verses, ancient poems, famous celebrities, etc. The content of the remarks is only for a certain need, but the meaning does not change. Such as: 1 I read very quickly, swallowing dates, great “good reading does not seek their solution” taste. 2 So, I got a “superior,” and the teacher lapped again in the text. 3 The grandfather explained to me that “Northern Peking has the name of fish...” 4 In ancient China, there was a writer named Sima Qian who said: “The person is inherently dead, or he is heavier than Taishan, or lighter than his feather.” And so on, The quotation marks used in these four sentences are all used for the needs of expressions and expressions. They can all be classified as such. Second, according to the contents of quotation marks, to see whether there is any change in the tone of the quotation marks, whether there is any change in semantics. If no quotation marks are used, the meaning of this content does not change, and the focus of the entire context is not obvious. That is, the tone weakens. At this time, this quotation mark is used.
历史中有美 ,也有丑。美与丑的斗争不仅贯穿在人类历史的全过程中 ,而且还涵盖了历史的各个层面。在历史美育中讲清二者的斗争规律 ,有助于学生热爱美 ,痛恨丑 ,更有助于学生
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