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新课改新理念下,学习与教育的目标有了较大的改变,素质教育和创新教育被提到了重要的日程上。而素质教育和创新教育是建立在知识传授与能力培养的基础上的。物理学作为当代最活跃的学科,搞好知识传授与能力培养,关键在于教学质量的提高,教学方法和途径的改革。怎样提高教学质量呢?应着眼于建立和谐的师生关系,对学生进行良好的德育教育,培养学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性、主动性,在教学过程中形成教与学的互动关系,搞好高效的课堂教学。 Under the new concept of curriculum reform, the goals of learning and education have changed a lot. Quality education and innovation education have been mentioned on important agendas. Quality education and innovation education are based on knowledge transfer and ability development. As the most active discipline in the contemporary era, physics plays a key role in the improvement of teaching quality and teaching methods and methods. How to improve teaching quality? It should focus on establishing a harmonious teacher-student relationship, providing students with good moral education, cultivating their interest in learning, mobilizing their enthusiasm for learning and initiative, and forming an interactive relationship between teaching and learning in the teaching process. , do a good job of efficient classroom teaching.
针对桥面铺装裂纹的产生原因,介绍了采用短钢筋头支撑双层钢筋网在桥梁补强中所起的作用。 Aiming at the reason of cracks in deck pavement, the effect of using double