
来源 :广告人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjj008
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又是年岁末年终,一年中的广告又到了盘点的时间,不知又有多少脍炙人口的广告(语)被街头巷尾的人们津津乐道,又有多少恶俗广告被全国人民骂得一无是处,今年是奥运年,且看岁末水煮2004奥运广告。奥运会期间万人狂喜,尽管雅典人正在为18亿欧元的亏空愁眉不展,但中国人却乐开了花,其中最合不拢嘴的首推收视率和广告费—路飙升的央视。琳琅满目的广告这么多,不妨也来看看它们的得失。 It is the year-end and year-end year, the year’s advertising has come to the inventory of time, I do not know how many well-known advertising (language) is remembered by the people around the corner, and how many vulgar ads scolded the people is useless this year is Olympic year, and see the end of boiled 2004 Olympic advertising. During the Olympic Games, thousands of people ecstasy, although the Athenian are worried about the deficit of 1.8 billion euros, but the Chinese are enjoying themselves, the most talked about the most important ratings and advertising costs - the soaring CCTV. An array of ads so much, may wish to also look at their gains and losses.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR),we measured water contents in quartz and feldspar for four kinds of felsic rocks,i.e.,undeformed granite,ban
A model has been established to simulate the realistic spatio-temporal microstructure evolution in recrystal- lization of a magnesium alloy using the phase fiel
【摘要】英语学科不仅仅是一门语言学科,而且是一门人文学科,开展英语教学的目的不仅仅是让学生们掌握一门外语,更重要的是如何在英语教学中落实人文教育,将学生们培养成为有健全人格、德智体美劳全面发展的人才。而在英语教学中落实人文教育,也正是新课改的要求,本文旨在探求如何在英语教学中落实人文素养教育。  【关键词】新课改 初中英语教学 人文素养  新课改推行到现在已经有好几年的时间,然而,英语学科作为一个