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中国传统文化的主流是儒家文化。儒家思想源远流长,其中特别是置于正统的两汉经学、宋明理学被认为具有反逻辑的倾向,是先秦以来中国逻辑传统少有发展、趋于式微甚至几欲断绝的一个重要原因。孔子是儒家学派的创始人,是古代最早的教育家,也是中国逻辑思想启蒙的先行者。孔子一生重知、求知、传知,从他关于“知”的言论中,可窥其深刻思想内涵之一斑。本文试从这个角度做一些初步的探讨。 The mainstream of Chinese traditional culture is Confucian culture. Confucianism goes back to ancient times. Among them, especially the orthodox Han Chinese classics, the Song and Ming neo-Confucianism were regarded as having an anti-logical tendency. This is an important reason why the Chinese traditional logic has been rarely developed and tends to decline even before the Qin dynasty. Confucius is the founder of Confucianism, is the earliest ancient educator, but also the forerunner of China’s logical thinking. In his life’s remembrance of knowledge, knowledge and knowledge, Confucius can see the connotation of his profound thoughts from his comments on “knowledge ”. This article tries to make some preliminary discussions from this angle.
《英语惯用法大词典》(北京科学技术出版社1995年 8月第一版)的 worth条目对该词用法作了详尽的阐述,例句也很丰富。但其中有一处提法令人困惑,值得商榷。 该条目第1点介绍的是“主语+be+worth+名词等
新华社伦敦8月22日电:巧克力含类似大麻功能的物质;功克力吃多了易上瘾;研究人员建议巧克力不宜吃得太多。笔者听到此讯后,便注意搜寻外刊原文。读9月2日美刊 Time,得此短文,
英语中表示考试的分数或成绩的词有mark、point、score、credit、grade和honour等。它们在用法上有所区别,下面简略地比较它们之间的不同。 1. mark和grade 1). She passed
括号内为现有译名,括号后为笔者新补。笔名(pseudonym; pen name)nom de plume/播送(broadcast; beam; transmit)air(to be aired on BBC)/成年人(grown-up; adult)major/代
在西方,有许多关于猫的故事,因而出现了不少与猫有关的成语。知道这些成语的来龙去脉有助于我们灵活地使用这些成语。1.cat’s paw or to be made a cat’s paw of 这个成语
Day into night,night into day holding on tight,millions all hoping something like love will light up the way the world just keeps turning,happy new year!白昼黑
不定式是英语动词的非限定形式之一,是英语中一种非常活跃的语言现象。不带 to 的不定式(bare infinitive)是我们学习、掌握和运用这一语法现象的难点。本文的目的就是要对
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