
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SparrowHawk
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一种利用遗传工程成功地改变了部分特性,表现出杀虫功能的棉花植株日前通过了专家鉴定。美国蒙桑图公司的科学家利用基因移植技术,将提取的一种对棉铃虫幼虫有毒、且能控制这种有毒分子合成的细菌基因成功的移植于棉株体内,棉铃虫幼虫一旦吞食这种经改性的棉花枝叶,便立即死亡。美国科学家正进一步研究,希望试验出一种既具有杀死任何棉田害虫的功能,又不影响棉花质量的新一代棉株。这将对大幅度减少农药用量,保护环境起到积极作用。 A cotton plant that has successfully altered some of its traits using genetic engineering to show insecticidal functions recently passed expert evaluations. The scientists at Monsanto in the United States, using gene transplants, successfully transplanted a bacterial gene that is toxic to the cotton bollworm larvae and controls the synthesis of such toxic molecules into cotton plants. Once larvae of Helicoverpa armigera are swallowed, Modified cotton leaves, they immediately died. U.S. scientists are studying further to try out a new generation of cotton that has the function of killing any pest in cotton without affecting the quality of cotton. This will greatly reduce the amount of pesticides and protect the environment play a positive role.
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In the context of G-algebras, we prove that Green correspondent points satisfy some important properties that are suggested by the classical finite group Green
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring,a an ideal of R,and M a finitely generated R-module of finite Krull dimension n.We describe the (finite) sets Assn (H n/a