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“今天,赣榆山区,雨后初晴,三架银鹰盘旋在林区上空,撒下了缕缕雾带……”这是1984年4月7日《新华日报》上一则快讯的开头。如果说,飞机喷药灭虫这一事实未必是重要新闻的话,那么,消息中的景物描写则给人留下了深刻的印象。消息,就思维形式来说,以逻辑思维为主,就表现手法来说,以记叙、说明为主。然而,写消息往往离不开写人;写人,又往往离不开人物活动的背景和场所。因此有些消息(不是所有消息)应当有点儿景物描写。 “Today, Ganyu Mountain District, after the rain began to clear, three Silver Eagle circled over the forest area and sown a plume of fog ...” This was the beginning of a news briefing on April 7, 1984, in Xinhua Daily. If we say that the fact that the plane is spraying insecticide is not necessarily important news, the scene description in the message left a deep impression. The message, in the form of thinking, is dominated by logical thinking, and as far as performance is concerned, narrative and explanation are the main ones. However, writing information often can not be separated from writing people; writing people often can not be separated from the background and place of character activities. So some news (not all news) should be a bit landscape description.
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