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袋栽平菇采完2~3潮菇后,由于脱水和缺肥,常会导致后期菇蕾枯死、菇形变小、色泽变差等。为解决这一问题,我们在实践中摸索出了一种打孔浸水、脱袋砌墙法,既起到了补水增肥的作用,还能在较长时间内保持湿度,可多收3~4批菇,生物效率可增加50%~100%。现将具体方法简介如下: (一)脱袋、打孔和浸液 采完2~3潮菇后,应及时将菌袋搬出培养室脱去塑料袋,在菌筒上并排扎3~4个直径2cm的孔,间距视菌筒长度而定,一般在10cm左右,再将菌筒浸泡在配备好的营养液中3~4小时。同时准备一些菜园土(也可用一般田土,加入3%~5%的过磷酸钙,若碱性土应将pH值调到6~7),打碎过筛,喷雾水拌匀至手握不成团为宜。 (二)排筒、撒土和砌墙 将菌筒捞起,再把菜园土铺成似菌筒长、宽的条幅,厚2~3em,将沥水后的菌筒浸水孔朝上,逐个挨紧并排在土上,每摆好一层上面撒一层菜园土,并把空隙填满,以利于菌墙形成一个整体,一般可叠5~6层,若场地太少也可多砌几层,但以不超过10层为好。在最后一层的菌筒上撒4~5cm厚 After bagging mushrooms 2 ~ 3 tidal mushroom mining, due to dehydration and lack of fat, often lead to the late Gulei dead, mushroom shape smaller, color deterioration. In order to solve this problem, we have found out in practice a kind of punching and soaking and pilling method, which not only plays the role of replenishing water and increasing fertility, but also can maintain the humidity for a long time and can take over 3-4 Mushrooms, biological efficiency can be increased by 50% to 100%. Now the specific method is as follows: (A) after the bag, punch and immersion Taken 2 ~ 3 Tidal mushrooms, the bag should be promptly moved out of the training room plastic bags, bacteria tube side by side tie 3 to 4 Diameter of 2cm holes, spacing depending on the length of the fungus tube, usually about 10cm, and then soaked in bacteria tube with a good nutrient solution 3 to 4 hours. At the same time prepare some garden soil (also available in general fields, adding 3% to 5% of superphosphate, if alkaline soil pH should be adjusted to 6 ~ 7), smash sieve, spray water and mix well to hold Mission is appropriate. (B) row of tubes, sprinkle soil and wall will fungus picked up, and then garden soil paved like fungus tube length, width of banners, thick 2 ~ 3em, the drain tube hole after the drain water upwards, one by one Tight side by side in the soil, each laid a layer of garden soil sprinkled above and fill the gap to facilitate the bacteria wall to form a whole, generally stacked 5 to 6 layers, if too little site can also build several layers, But not more than 10 layers as well. In the last layer of bacteria tube 4 ~ 5cm thick
“兄弟七八个,围着柱子坐;大家一分手,衣服就撕破。”这个谜语是大蒜头“真面目”维妙维肖的写照。 大蒜(Allium sativum L)原产亚洲西部高原。汉代张骞从西域引进我国,至今
  目的 将员工的个人发展与血站的发展相结合,不断加强对员工的岗位培训和继续医学教育工作,促进血站整体的发展。方法 在培训工作的实践中,我们从培训的需求、计划制定的原则
目的 探讨深圳市一般人群中庚型肝炎病毒 (HGV)感染情况及其影响因素。方法 采用随机抽样法选取研究对象 ,并用酶联免疫反应法 (ELISA)检测该人群中抗 -HGV抗体 ,对其中抗