“中国玩具发展30年”活动跟踪报道之十三 呼唤!深圳玩具展 第三篇 展会的呼唤

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世界及中国的玩具产业和市场究竟在呼唤着什么?经济的全球化使产业和市场距离在不断地拉近,也使供货商与采购商的沟通断的变化,电话、传真、E-mail、HSN、QQ、Catalog、BtoB、定货会、展览会……其中展览会是产业和市场的“最亲密接触”、最广泛选择和最直接交易的贸易活动。展览会,英文为:Show、Exhibition、Fair,各地的表述不一。就贸易性质的展览会而言,有个美国商人下了这样的定义:在最短的时间时内,在最小的空间里,用最少的成本做出最大的生意。进一步的解释是:在固定或一系列的地点、特定的日期和期限里,通过展示、销售产品和服务,以达到洽谈贸易、信息交流、品牌形象推广,并了解市场发展趋势,满足消费者的更多需求,促进产业的更大发展。那么,境内外玩具展览会的现状和发展趋势怎么样?玩具业在期待和呼唤着什么样的展览会? What are the world’s toy industries and markets in China calling for? The globalization of the economy keeps the distance between industry and the market constantly changing, and it also enables the communication between suppliers and buyers to change. Telephone, fax, E-mail , HSN, QQ, Catalog, BtoB, Ordering, Exhibitions ... Among them, the exhibition is the “closest contact” of the industry and the market, the broadest choice and the most direct trade activity. Exhibition, English as: Show, Exhibition, Fair, all over the statement. In the case of a trade fair, a U.S. businessman came down with the definition that in the shortest possible time, the largest business is to be done with the least cost in the smallest space. Further explanation is: in a fixed or a series of locations, specific dates and deadlines, through the display and sale of products and services in order to achieve trade negotiations, information exchange, promotion of brand image, and understand the market trends, to meet the consumer More demand to promote greater development of the industry. Well, domestic and foreign toy exhibition status quo and development trend how? Toy industry is looking forward to and what kind of exhibition?
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广西某预备役工兵团目前进行了冲锋舟操作、打捞与救护、门桥漕渡和抢救转移人员物资训练。 (杨炳炎 宁亚红) 广东省清远军分区针对今年洪灾机率较大的实际,在全面抓好防汛
【英国《国际核工程》2007年1月刊报道】2006年10月,俄罗斯政府批准了2007—2010年俄罗斯核工业发展规划。同时,俄罗斯民用核工业重组计划也在制订中。 [British “Internat
近重读《论语》,又生新疑。一日,展卷端坐,久思未果。伏案小憩,忽睹孔子在焉。喜而问之,欣然作答。持笔手录,今借《文史知识》一角,以公诸同好。 Nearly read the “Analec