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专业咨询机构企业发展的智囊咨询业是市场经济的产物,市场经济的发展促进了社会专业化分工的不断深化,形成了咨询服务的供给和需求,并最终导致咨询业从其他产业中分离出来,形成独立的产业。市场越完善,竞争越激烈,咨询产业也就越发达。人们通常把第三产业中以智力型服务为特点的新兴行业总称为咨询业。它以科技为依托,以信息为基础,综合运用科学知识、技术、经验、信息,按市场机制向用户提供各种有充分科学依据的可行性报告、规划、方案等服务,为政府部门、企事业单位、各类社会组织提供帮助。世界咨询业的年营业收入已达4000多亿美元,而且还在以10%以上的速度增长。 Professional advisory body corporate think tank consulting business is a product of the market economy, the development of market economy to promote the continuous deepening of social specialization, the formation of the advisory services supply and demand, and eventually lead to the consulting industry from other industries in the separation, Formed an independent industry. The more perfect the market, the more competitive, the more developed the consulting industry. People generally refer to the emerging industries characterized by intellectual services in the tertiary industry as the consulting industry. It relies on science and technology, based on information, comprehensive use of scientific knowledge, technology, experience, information, according to the market mechanism to provide users with a variety of scientific basis for a viable report, planning, programs and other services for government departments, enterprises Institutions, various types of social organizations to help. The annual revenue of the world consulting industry has reached more than 400 billion U.S. dollars and is still growing at more than 10%.
民间故事文字朴实无华,却寓意深刻,给人以启迪。故事中这位农夫虽然纯朴,但他的机灵和智慧却不逊于大臣,因而得到了国王的赏识和奖赏。 The folk tales are simple and unpr
本丛书系德国最大的教育出版集团之一的康乃馨集团精心打造,英国专家悉心撰写的初、中级英语读物,专门为第二语言是英语的学习者设 This series of books is one of German
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广西某预备役工兵团目前进行了冲锋舟操作、打捞与救护、门桥漕渡和抢救转移人员物资训练。 (杨炳炎 宁亚红) 广东省清远军分区针对今年洪灾机率较大的实际,在全面抓好防汛
【英国《国际核工程》2007年1月刊报道】2006年10月,俄罗斯政府批准了2007—2010年俄罗斯核工业发展规划。同时,俄罗斯民用核工业重组计划也在制订中。 [British “Internat
近重读《论语》,又生新疑。一日,展卷端坐,久思未果。伏案小憩,忽睹孔子在焉。喜而问之,欣然作答。持笔手录,今借《文史知识》一角,以公诸同好。 Nearly read the “Analec