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一、侦查蝗情是制订治蝗计划的依据 衡量治蝗工作不外乎两个标准:(1)除治彻底、及时;(2)化费少、成效高。要达到这两个标准,必须有确切的治蝗计划,根据计划准备物质、安排时间,进行防治。事实证明,制订比较确切的治蝗计划,首先要做好蝗情侦查工作。 近几年来,有些蝗区因耕作变化,或开挖河渠,使蝗区微地形差异增大,生态条件变得更复杂,因而蝗虫孵化不整齐。早期发生在沟边及田埂的蝗蝻,出土后不久即向农田扩散,要保护农田不受害,须根据侦察,掌握蝗情变化,才能及时防治。 在地广人稀、面积大的蝗区,治蝗主要依靠飞机施药,更需掌握蝗情以免发生治重或漏治。再则不少地区已开始度行“隔季治”和“隔年治”的经济治蝗措施,显然这些措施必须在充分掌握蝗情的基础上,才能作到;否则不但减少不了防治次数, First, the detection of locust situation is the basis for the development plan of locust control measures locust control work no more than two standards: (1) In addition to governance thoroughly and timely; (2) less cost, high efficiency. To achieve these two standards, there must be an accurate plan for controlling locusts, preparing materials according to plans, arranging time for prevention and treatment. Facts have proved that the formulation of a more accurate plan of locust control, we must first do locust situation investigation. In recent years, some locust areas have changed their tillage or dredged canals to make micro-topographical differences in locust areas more complicated and ecological conditions become more complicated. Locusts hatch irregularly. The locusts that occurred early in the Mizobe and Tianchuang fields spread to the farmland shortly after the excavation. To prevent the farmland from being harmed, the locusts must be controlled and reconstructed according to reconnaissance and control of the locust conditions. In sparsely populated area of ​​large locust area, locust control rely mainly on aircraft spraying, but also need to grasp the locust situation in order to avoid weight loss or leakage treatment. In many areas, however, economic measures for locust control that have been implemented for “every other season” and “next year” have begun. Obviously, these measures must be based on the full control of locust conditions; otherwise, not only will the number of prevention and control be reduced,
目的:观察PCI治疗前后冠心病患者生活质量的变化。方法选用自行设计的多项目调查问卷和美国简明36项健康状况问卷调查61例冠心病患者PCI治疗前后生活质量的变化。结果 PIC手术
目的比较干、湿两种生化分析仪部分项目检测结果的差异并分析两者之间的相关性。方法分别采用OLYMPUS AU64O全自动生化分析仪和DRI-CHEM 7000干生化分析仪对50例患者标本进行