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一、在现实生活中,常有同样的劳动并不一定带来同样的价值的情形。比如,同样的劳动施加在不同的土壤上,在肥力高的土壤上的收益要多于贫瘠的土壤。又如开采石油,在劳动量基本不变,但工具或机器设备不同时,产值却有很大悬殊,等等。这与劳动价值论假定同样的劳动耗费产生同样的价值是否存在着逻辑矛盾? 上述“逻辑矛盾”并不存在。按照劳动价值论,商品价值不是由个别生产者生产商品时所耗费的个别劳动时间、个别价值所决定的,而是由社会必要劳动时间、社会价值所决定的。农产品的价值也是由生产农产品的社会必要劳动时间、社会价值决定的,只不过在农业生产中,为了保证在贫瘠土地上从事生产的耕种者的劳动耗费得到补偿,作为单位农产品市场价格基础的社会价值往往不是由优等和中等生产条件 First, in real life, often the same labor does not necessarily bring about the same value. For example, the same kind of labor is applied to different soils, and there is more profit in soil with high fertility than in barren soil. Another example is the exploitation of oil, where the amount of labor is basically the same, but when the tools or machinery and equipment are different, the output value is very different, and so on. Is there a logical contradiction between the same value of labor cost and the assumption of labor theory that the same value is used? The above “logical contradiction” does not exist. According to the theory of labor value, the value of a commodity is not determined by the individual labor time or individual value consumed by an individual producer in the production of a commodity, but is determined by the socially necessary labor time and social value. The value of agricultural products is also determined by the socially necessary labor time and social value of producing agricultural products, except that in the agricultural production, in order to ensure that the labor costs of the farmers who are engaged in production on the poor land are compensated, the society that is the basis of the market price of the unit agricultural products Value is often not made by superior and medium production conditions
用图形的对称性解题,可通过构造对称图形,使问题得到直观、形象的解决,展示数学的美. Solve the problem with the symmetry of the graph, through the construction of sy
中学英语课文里有许多单词、短语和句型可以用来表示强调,根据所强调的成份,大致可分为以下几种句型结构。 1、形容词和副词的比较级前加。little、much、still、far、a gre
【阅读材料】 资禀与修养(节选) 朱光潜 天生的是资禀,造作的是修养;(①)是潜能,是种子;(①)使潜能实现,使种子发芽成树,开花结实。(①)不是我们自己力量所能控制的,(①)却