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索尼亚和女儿普里扬卡向集会的群众招手致意。人们对索尼亚·甘地的名字并不陌生。她是印度已放前总理英迪拉·甘地钟爱的儿媳,印度政坛上赫赫有名的尼赫鲁王朝家族中唯一的一位外商成员。1991年其夫遇刺身亡后,她再三拒绝了拉奥总理请她参政的要求,深居简出,极少抛头露面? Sonya and daughter Priyanka waved greetings to the rally crowds. There is no stranger to the name of Sonia Gandhi. She is the daughter of India’s former daughter Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the only prominent foreign member of the Nehru dynasty in India’s political arena. After her husband’s assassination in 1991, she repeatedly rejected Prime Minister Rao’s request for her to participate in politics. She rarely resigned.
  Hepatitis C virus(HCV) is the leading cause of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis which eventually worsen to liver cancer.There is urgent need to improve anti-HCV
袁方、姜汝祥在《北大为证》一书中说,目前社会道德风气的恶化与国家公职人员的腐败、收入分配不公、社会秩序混乱以及家族力量死灰复燃、干部和群众关系紧张等等都有关。 所
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  Hydroxamic acids(HAs) are the neutral and polyfunctional molecules with general formula RC(=O)N(R)OH have interesting medicinal and biological potentiality.
DRIVING through Guiyang on the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway is a pleasant experience. Guiyang is the charming capital of Guizhou Province in Southwest China, and
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