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  1980年代,皮埃尔·约赫姆离开家乡法国来到伦敦柏悦酒店担任餐饮总监,开启了四海为家的酒店人模式,随后他去了曼谷丽晶酒店和香港港岛香格里拉酒店。接下来,他在One&Only旗下的毛里求斯Saint Geran酒店担任驻店经理。两年后,他成为北京王府半岛酒店总经理,这一年是1994年。1998年,他前往印度新德里欧贝罗伊酒店。2000年,他在纽约皮埃尔酒店。2002年,他回到印度新德里帝国酒店,并在接下来的七年确保了酒店的市场领先地位。2008年,他成为莱佛士酒店集团新加坡总经理和亚太地区副总裁。
  It's truly a blessed thing to engage only in one occupation for a life time, since you will become a professional and you will go far. This time we have interviewed Mr. Pierre Jochem, the General Manager of La Mamounia, Marrakesh, who have a wonderfully long career in hospitality all around the world.
  Mr. Pierre Jochem began his career as a F&B Director in London, moved to Bangkok and then on to Hong Kong. After a few years as F&B Director, he became the Resident Manager of the Saint Gerant in Mauritius and just two years later he was appointed Hotel Manager of Peninsula in Beijing. Following his career in Beijing he then went on to head up Oberoi hotel in New Delhi, then brought his experience to the US as Hotel Manager of The Pierre, New York before returning to New Delhi to lead the reopening of The Imperial where he ensured the positioning of the hotel as a market leader for a successful seven years. His leadership, great personal and professional qualities then led him to Raffles and the next five years saw Pierre as General Manager of Raffles Singapore and Vice-President of Raffles Operations Asia Pacific.
  His unparalleled experience in the luxury hotel industry has positioned him as a leader of excellence. It is for this reason that La Mamounia is honored to have Pierre Jochem as the head of one of the biggest luxury hotels of the world today.
  皮埃尔·约赫姆:马拉喀什奢华酒店业的竞争很激烈。众多国际酒店品牌进驻马拉喀什,这是我们必须要应对的。我认为最大的挑战对全球酒店业而言是一致的:安全和稳定。在当今全球化的局面下,距离马拉喀什5000公里之外发生的事件都可能对这里造成影响,即便摩洛哥是北非最安全的国家。最大的机遇对我们而言是开拓新市场。不久前我们去拉丁美洲做了宣传,目前马穆尼亚酒店是拉美游客去摩洛哥的首选酒店。我们的下一步工作是吸引更多的亚洲游客。   酒店精品:相信您會用丰富的国际化经验和视角帮助马穆尼亚酒店。您希望实现的目标是什么?
  Hotel Elite : On Sep. 1st, 2013, you took the role as General Manager of Hotel La Mamounia. Could you share with us why you made this choice as an Asian top hotels expert?
  Pierre Jochem : I have chosen Morocco as I had a twenty years' experience in Asia and wanted to discover another culture and another way of life. I knew Morocco before as a tourist and I knew it was a nice country.
  Hotel Elite : Are there any cultural differences and similarities between North Africa and Asian hospitality which are impressive to you?
  Pierre Jochem : The similarities could be in the fact that they are both ancestral cultures with codes and traditions to respect. In terms of hospitality, I think that Asia has more experience in luxury hospitality than North Africa. Here in Morocco and at La Mamounia people expect the excellence of service but with a certain warmness, which I think is the particularity of Moroccan luxury service.
  Hotel Elite : Hotel La Mamounia is the iconic hotel of Marrakech. In your understanding, what is the main charm of La Mamounia? What factors contribute to its success?
  Pierre Jochem : La Mamounia is indeed an iconic hotel. It is a Grande Dame of 94 years old. Its history and what happened in its walls is still an attraction for our guests. But what makes La Mamounia so special is its location, its decor, its legendary gardens, its gastronomy... It is a destination hotel where our guests could spend three or four days without stepping outside.
  Hotel Elite : In your opinion, what are the major challenges and opportunities that hotels in Marrakech are facing currently?
  Pierre Jochem : Competition in the luxury hospitality in Marrakech is rude. Lot of international hotel chains settled in Marrakech and we have to deal with it. I think the major challenge is common to all the hotels in the world: security and stability. Today with globalization, we could be impacted by any event happening even 5000 kilometers from Marrakech. Even if Morocco is still the most stable country in the region… The biggest opportunity for us is to approach other markets. We were in Latin America few weeks ago and we are the number one hotel for them in Morocco. Our next challenge is to attract more guests from Asia.   Hotel Elite : We believe you will use your vast international experiences and perspectives to help Hotel La Mamounia. What is the goal that you would like to achieve for Hotel La Mamounia?
  Pierre Jochem : La Mamounia has always been one of the top hotels in the World. My main objective and I am working on it very hard since I arrived is to maintain the balance between excellence, luxury and modernity. The hotel has to keep its soul but it also has to live with its time. We are implementing new concepts in terms of gastronomy, Spa, etc… My idea is that everyone who wants quality and excellence can find its happiness at La Mamounia.
  Hotel Elite : Your experiences of so many years in top hotels all around the world is respectable, could you share with us one or two special stories in your career path?
  Pierre Jochem : In every single hotel I have worked I have so many stories to tell. But the most important story is wherever I went improvement was my leitmotiv. Working hard and leaving nothing to chance to ensure this is luxury!
  Hotel Elite : Please say some words to the readers of Hotel Elite magazine in China.
  Pierre Jochem : Morocco, Marrakech and La Mamounia have a lot to offer to Chinese guests, a different culture, a different way of life and a different gastronomy… another world just at some hours from China.
Hoshino Resorts Presents the Chinese Website of KAI in China  今年9月,日本度假村管理公司星野集團董事长星野佳路先生携旗下品牌及酒店代表在北京、上海举办两场发布会,向中国旅游同业及媒体带来旗下酒店详尽介绍与最新资讯,这也是星野集团首次在中国举办品牌发布会。  星野集团创始于1904年的轻井泽地区,旗下拥有高端奢华酒店品牌虹夕诺雅、精品温
洱海的核心价值在于宁静祥和,当地民风淳朴,白族姑娘笑容甜美,白族小伙勤劳爽朗。正因为如此,一大批社会精英低调地汇聚在这里,只为过另外一种生活,看着在洱海边上一身禅意在打坐的住客,不禁觉得住客们也要把自己变成了美景,这些人、这些情也让洱海有了独特的脾性。在双廊的日子里,除了最基本的蜗居,想要更加享受阳光,也要选择出去走走。让自己感受美景与美食,让自己享受美景与美食。  奇遇从出发开始  匆匆从大理火
好莱坞魅影迷情  Hollywood Glamor  作为亚洲最极致奢华之地,澳门长期是旅客逃离繁琐生活的世外桃源。然而,这个位处南中国海的旅游胜地,一直错过了一样非常重要的东西,直至现在……  受旧好莱坞永远炫酷、彻底诱惑的启发,澳门罗斯福酒店终于为亚洲的精英,带来永无休止的派对 — 幻想一下伊比萨岛、迈阿密、拉斯维加斯,这里有望紧步后尘,成为乐坛监制、奢华时尚偶像与爱冒险的社会名流的热门消遣场
自1893年開门迎客以来,哈斯勒罗马酒店一直是永恒之城里最负盛名的酒店。酒店坐落于西班牙台阶之巅,毗邻16世纪的山上天主圣三教堂,步行即达绿树成荫的波格赛公园、威内托大街和孔多蒂街上全城最时尚的精品店,尽享城中心的地利之宜。酒店的96间客房在优雅和经典之中注入现代气息,实现历史与未来的完美平衡,其中一款独一无二的顶楼套房,正是为寻求全罗马城最佳住宿体验的宾客而设。  Ever since the
宠物配套齐全  Kelly常跟着他的主人Miss Wu入住无锡灵山元一希尔顿逸林酒店,Miss Wu是信佛者,因此,她会常来灵山吃素斋或者祈愿。  每次Kelly走进酒店,门童都会亲切地与它打招呼,它也常扭着它短而小的尾巴,以示友好。  Kelly是吉娃娃,体重2公斤,短毛。而无锡灵山元一希尔顿逸林酒店是希尔顿集团旗下唯一一家能够带宠物入住的酒店,目前来说,这里宠物的概念仅限于狗和猫。  尽管已经
此行清迈最大的惊喜,便是这家幽静坐落于湄平河边、温馨如家又耐人寻味的精品度假酒店。她占地不大、房间不多,却以有形空间做出了无限意境,将清迈的时光之美悉心收纳,哈佛毕业的Vorrawut集团现任CEO Teerawut Chanyasak先生于清迈择一隅筑一景,路人如我,住一程忆一生。  This trip to Chiang Mai, our biggest surprise is this qu
宠物房入住须知:  只接收体重不超过30公斤的中小型犬。每间宠物犬客房只可携带一只宠物犬。  预订房间时,请提交宠物犬接种疫苗超过2周但不到1年的狂犬病免疫书面证书复印件。请注意,酒店不接收怀孕或发情期的母犬(月经周期4周后)入住。此外,若您的宠物犬给其他入住宠物犬造成不便,我们将谢绝入住。  在上海的崇明岛上,今年新开业的金茂凯悦度假酒店为喜欢携宠物出游度假的客人们敞开了大门。  自横跨长江的上
迎宾小姐蓝孔雀  远远听到鸟类“咕噜,咕噜……”的叫声,打开木门的一刹那,一只欢脱美丽的蓝孔雀随即奔来,热情迎宾,让我真是受宠若惊。  信步走来,庄园保留了九溪十八涧景区的自然资源,依地势而建别墅,均为开放式布局,融入自然景致中。随时随地秀恩爱的白孔雀,草坪上自由奔跑的马儿,呆萌懒散的雁鹅和小兔子,甚至还有传说中的神兽羊驼,在这片城区的一头散发着来自小动物的善意和活力。  据饲养员介绍,12:00