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人的第一印象十分重要,销售楼盘更是如此!建筑模型作为楼盘销售给人的第一印象,其优劣不仅决定楼盘的销售业绩,而且关系到楼盘的品牌持续效应。它是楼盘的形象、门面,更是楼盘品牌综合实力的体现。如今的建筑模型业已在近年房产业的带动下迅速发展成为颇具规模和实力的房地产配套行业。是业建筑模型正是在这种市场需求的情况下,应运而生的。是业建筑模型系东方是业(香港)景观设计有限公司的国内全资机构,总部设在广州市中心区的天河软件园内。公司规模宏大,人才济济。是业公司成立以后,十几年来已为数百家中外企业制作过数千件优秀的模型作品,为提高各中外企业的知名度,扩大宣传面起到了十分重要的作用。是业建筑模型的崛起是行业内的典范,具有相当大的借鉴意义。作为房地产界配套商的新秀,是业建筑模 People’s first impression is very important, even more so for sales! Building model as the first impression of real estate sales, its advantages and disadvantages not only determine the sales performance of real estate, but also related to real estate brand sustained effect. It is the real estate image, facade, real estate brand is the embodiment of the overall strength. Today’s building model has rapidly developed into a real estate supporting industry of considerable size and strength, driven by the real estate industry in recent years. It is in this type of market demand that the industry building model came into being. Is the industry building model Oriental is the industry (Hong Kong) Landscape Design Co., Ltd. wholly-owned domestic organizations, headquartered in Guangzhou City Center Tianhe Software Park. Large-scale companies, talent. Since its founding, the company has produced thousands of excellent model works for hundreds of Chinese and foreign enterprises in more than a decade. It has played an important role in raising the profile of all domestic and foreign enterprises and expanding their publicity. Is the rise of industry building model is an example of the industry, with considerable reference. As a rookie supporting real estate sector, is the industry building model
4月26日至28日,由信息产业部电信研究院主办的“2004全球 NGN 高峰论坛”在京召开。此次峰会围绕 NGN 发展现状、技术趋势、业务应用和市场前景等内容,深入探讨中国和国际未
作者对25年间收治的七例铝肺病例作了报道,并复习了文献。 七例中接尘工龄为3年至25年,开始接尘至出现症状的时间最短者三年,最长者十年,七例中有四例合并结核(57.1%)。初期