Comparative Study of English and Chinese Versions of Imperial Peking From the Perspective of Transla

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Since both translation and rhetoric are aimed to achieve effective communication through language tools, it is a good way to borrow rhetorical theories and resources to polish translation. Translatology and rhetoric have long enjoyed academic attention, while the discipline of translation rhetoric is at the infant stage and calls for further research. Through analyzing the English and Chinese versions of Imperial Peking, written by Lin Yutang, at the levels of figures of speech, text structure and language style, this paper is aimed to have an indepth understanding of expression differences between English and Chinese, and to throw light in how to talk about Chinese culture in better English. Since both translation and rhetoric are aimed to achieve effective communication through language tools, it is a good way to borrow rhetorical theories and resources to polish translation. and calls for further research. Through analyzing the English and Chinese versions of Imperial Peking, written by Lin Yutang, at the levels of figures of speech, text structure and language style, this paper is aimed to have an indepth understanding of expression differences between English and Chinese, and to throw light in how to talk about Chinese culture in better English.
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