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鉴于银行经营行为的特殊性和公共利益保护的需要,对银行经营行为在适用商业判断规则时应与一般公司区别对待,严格适用并提高注意标准,这是我国引入商业判断规则时应当充分考虑的内容。银行监管部门规章所规定的银行经营规则和要求,是银行董事勤勉义务的组成部分,也是对银行董事经营行为严格适用商业判断的客观标准;银行董事的注意标准是“合理的谨慎的银行家”所应尽到的注意,而非“一般谨慎之人”的注意。我国现行法律没有将银行监管部门规章所规定的银行董事经营职责要求纳入其应承担的勤勉责任的范围,同时缺乏对董事注意标准的一般规定和对银行董事注意标准的特别规定,不利于在实践中对银行经营进行商业判断。建议在《商业银行法》等立法中规定银行董事对违反银行监管部门规章所造成的损失承担赔偿责任,并为银行董事设定注意标准的底线。 In view of the peculiarity of banks’ operation and the need of public interest protection, the rules of commercial judgment should be treated differently from those of general companies, strictly apply and raise the standard of attention, which should be taken into full consideration when we introduce the business judgment rules content. Bank rules and regulations of bank regulatory rules and requirements of banks is part of the diligent obligations of bank directors, but also the business conduct of bank directors strictly apply the objective criteria for business judgment; bank directors’ attention is “reasonable and cautious banker ”Should pay attention to, rather than “ general cautious people ”attention. The current law of our country does not include the requirements of banks ’directors’ operating duties as stipulated in the regulations of the banking regulatory authorities in the range of diligence they should undertake. At the same time, the lack of general provisions on the standards of attention paid by directors and special regulations on the standards of attention paid by bank directors is not conducive to the practice In the bank business to make business judgments. It is suggested in the “Commercial Bank Law” and other laws that bank directors be liable for damages for breaches of the rules and regulations of the banking supervision department and set the standard line of attention for bank directors.
文章对沥青混合料铺装层病害的原因进行了分析,并有针对性地提出了预防损坏及裂缝出现的相对措施。 In this paper, the causes of asphalt pavement layering are analyzed