郭金龙在市文联第八次代表大会上寄语文艺工作者 让艺术为中国梦插上腾飞的翅膀

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赵实讲话王安顺杜德印吉林吕锡文出席4月27日上午,市文学艺术界联合会第八次代表大会召开。市委书记郭金龙寄语首都文艺工作者,始终坚持正确的方向,坚持以人民为中心的创作导向,创作更多文艺精品力作,让艺术为中国梦插上腾飞的翅膀。中国文联党组书记、副主席赵实讲话。市委副书记、市长王安顺,市人大常委会主任杜德印,市政协主席吉林,市委副书记吕锡文出席。会上,市文联第七届理事会主席致开幕词,市文化局负责人代表市宣传文化单位及人民团体致辞。赵实在讲话中希望首都文艺工作者始终坚持先进文化的前进方向,为推动实现中国梦凝聚强大的精神力量;用马克思主义文艺观引领文艺思潮,为建设社会主义文化强国做出新贡献;坚 Zhao Shixian speech Wang Anshun Dude India Lu Xiwen attended the morning of April 27, the city Federation of literary and art circles eighth Eighth Congress was held. Party Secretary Guo Jinlong sent a message to the capital literary and art workers, always adhere to the correct direction, adhere to the people as the center’s creative orientation, create more literary and artistic masterpiece, so that art for the Chinese dream plug in the wings. China Federation of literary leaders, vice chairman of Zhao Shi speech. Municipal Committee, mayor Wang Anshun, Municipal People’s Congress Director Du Deyin, Municipal CPPCC Chairman Jilin, Municipal Committee Lu Xiwen attended the meeting. At the meeting, City Federation of literary and art circles chairman of the seventh session of the opening speech, city cultural bureau chief on behalf of the city propaganda and cultural units and people’s organizations speech. In his speech, Zhao Shihua expressed the hope that literary and art workers in the capital will always stick to the direction of advanced culture, promote the realization of the powerful spiritual power of the Chinese dream, lead the ideological trend of literature and art with Marxist literature and art, and make new contributions to building a strong socialist country.
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我的阅读,是一场悠长的旅行。无论到哪里都拖着深深的羁绊,也带着我的梦想,走向明天。最初的阅读,是我和家人之间的 My reading is a long journey. Wherever I went, I was