When conducting academic research which is best: internet or print?

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  Nowadays, internet has become a very useful tool in our daily life. We need it all the time, especially in the process of doing academic research. And now with the development of internet, we can also read on internet by using digital devices. Maybe there is a question in many people’s minds. When conducting academic research with internet or print, which one is better? Compared with printed papers, conducting academic research on internet benefits us from four aspects: currency, convenience, cost and portability.
  Conducting academic research on internet is better than print in currency. This is a time of science and technology, and information are updated everyday on internet, so we can know things quickly. For example, we usually read news on internet or newspaper. If there is a serious explosion in the morning, we can know it from internet in the afternoon or even earlier. Maybe this piece of news will be on tomorrow’s newspaper, but it can not be found on today’s newspaper. In contrast to internet, print is not so friendly in currency. Writing and publishing need times, so print can not update as quickly as internet. When we do some society research by using print, we can not find the latest information, this may cause some problems for us. Therefore, internet can do better than print in currency. If we conduct academic research on internet, we can always get the latest information from internet and keep pace with development.
  Internet is more convenient to use than print. Conducting academic research is not an easy process. If we rely on internet, we will just need a search engine. It will just cost us several seconds. According to Holly Nelms (2015), people are unwilling to waste time on looking for an article on print newspaper if they can find it online in this fast-paced world. So internet helps us get information more quickly and save a lot of times for other parts of our academic research. Conducting academic research from print will waste lots of our time. When we are conducting academic research, we have to find information from different areas. And there is an example if we choose to conduct academic research by books, we have to go to the library or bookstore, and search the bookshelves one by one. Now convenience has been a selling point for all manner of digital reading, Baron Naomi (2015) said. If we just rely on print, it will waste us a lot of times on finding books and getting information. This is not efficient.   The cost of conducting academic research on internet is less than print. Because reading on internet is based on digital database, there are always no prime cost of publishing and reading. This means we don’t need to pay for most of books. Although some articles or books on internet need money, they are still cheaper than print. So print isn’t more cost-efficient than internet. Michael Kozlowski (2014) also believes, “many readers cite the price of eBooks as one of the primarily aspects of why they choose to read digitally”. No one wants to choose the expensive way, if two ways have the same destination. So cost may lead student to conduct academic research on internet.
  Digital reading device is more portable to conduct academic research than print. We can carry an ipad or other digital devices easily and read it anywhere if we want. Because it is based on digital database, an ipad can contain thousands of books. So wherever we are, we just need to watch on our screen instead of a pile of paper or books. For instance, we can’t carry a pile of paper or books anywhere or sit in the library the whole day. It’s too heavy and tiring. But we can just easily carry an e-book anywhere. However, if we rely on print, the more information we want to get, the more paper and books we need to print and carry. Therefore, conducting academic research on internet is more portable than print.
  To conclude, conducting academic research on internet is better than print. Reading online shows us more possibility, because it updates quickly, enormously saves our time and reduces the cost, and easily to carry. So when conducting academic research, internet is better than print. Nick Harkaway (2014) said, digital reading will continue to grow for a while, and continue to exist. Although it is not so obvious, it is still becoming a part of the world. So it still has a bright future.
  [1]Baron, N, S., 2015. Words onscreen: the fate of reading. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  [2]Holly, N., 2015. Print Newspapers vs. Online Editions: The Pros and Cons.[online]Available at: < https://www.honorsociety.org/articles/print-newspapers-vs-online-editions-pros-and-cons> [Accessed 12 May 2018].
  [3]Michael, K., 2014. eBooks vs Print–The Reasons Why Digital is Better.[online] Available at: < https://goodereader.com/blog/electronic-readers/the-main-reasons-why-ebooks-are-better-than-print> [Accessed 12 May 2018].
  [4]Michael, K., 2014. eBooks vs Print–The Reasons Why Digital is Better.[online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2018].
  [5]Nick, H., 2014.Paper vs digital reading is an exhausted debate.[online] Available at:  2014/mar/31/paper-vs-digital-reading-debate-ebooks-tim-waterstone> [Accessed 12 May 2018]
【摘 要】《中小学信息技术课程标准》中这样评价合作探究学习:“学生学习信息技术不仅仅要依靠模仿、动手实践,更重要的方式是自主探究与合作交流。”小组合作探究学习模式不再以传授知识作为课堂教学的首要任务,侧重于学生综合能力,注重学生思维能力、探究精神、合作品质的培养。因此本文对初中信息技术教学之合作学习进行探究,期望能够对初中信息技术合作学习教学方面提供参考借鉴。  【关键词】信息技术;初中教学;合作
【摘 要】科学技术的进步对于整个社会的积极促进作用是全面性的,对于整个世界的有效影响,无论是肉眼可见或者不能见的,它们都在悄然的为这个世界的运行提供着支撑。这样的支撑,不知不觉在这最近十几年里,已经使得我们身边的生活发生了剧烈且变革性的变化,各色各样的电子产品几乎是在这十几年间普遍的惠及到华夏大地九百六十万平方公里当中,仅仅以中国移动为例,在他们最新发布的数据当中显示,中国移动的用户数量已经是突破
【摘 要】校园欺凌是一个存在已久且对青少年身心发展极为不利的现象,每当校园欺凌案件进入公众视野,都会引起社会一片哗然和愤慨,社会道德与法律规范的呼声皆为“零容忍”,然而无论是欺凌者或被欺凌者其实都是校园欺凌事件的受害者,笔者认为应该去看到事件发生背后的动因,并尽可能从更人性的角度去对校园欺凌事件当事人进行干预。本文将从客体关系的角度出发简析欺凌现象的成因、家庭教育对于预防欺凌的重要性、以及心理介入
【摘 要】随着科技的高速发展,近年来高校多媒体教学的形式越来越多元化。以PPT教学为主体,mooc、爱课程等课后学习平台为辅的学习模式逐渐取代了黑板板书,书本阅读引导的传统教学模式,在这种多媒体教学的牵引下,大学生的学习行为较之于以往也发生了明显的变化。对于这些变化,应该冷静思考。  【关键词】多媒体教学;局限性;改进教学;学习行为改进  一、多媒体教学的优越性  多媒体教学,顾名思义是一种借助媒
【摘 要】多媒体资源库是先进的教学系统,能够将多种技术与方法有效结合。在医学教育中应用多媒体资源库能有效提高医学教育质量,并提高医学生的学习效率,为医学教育发展提供有力保障。本文通过校园网建设医学多媒体资源库,并简要阐述其资源库的重要性、建设内容及过程等,望为今后医学教育发展提供基础。  【关键词】校园网;医学;多媒体资源库  多媒体资源库主要就是把多媒体技术、计算机技术、现代教学方法及网络技术相
【摘 要】教育改革的持续推进,使得一些新的教学方法及教学工具被应用到实际教学中,比如微课。初中信息技术作为初中阶段的重要课程,将微课应用到实际的课堂教学中,对提高课堂教学效率及教学效果,提高学生学习积极性有非常大的帮助。本文简要分析了初中信息技术课堂教学中应用微课的意义,然后探讨微课具体应用策略,以供相关教师参考借鉴。  【关键词】微课;初中信息技术;应用  在信息技术快速发展的背景下,初中教育中
信息技术已成为教学活动中必不可少的一个重要环节和要素。在课堂教学活动中,合理利用信息技术,可以使教学形式和教学方式变得灵活多样,彻底改变了过去单凋死板的课堂教学方式;实现信息技术与语文课堂教学环节的有机结合,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,从而提高了课堂教学效果。  一、营造良好的教学氛围是提高语文教学质量的客观要求  兴趣是最好的老师,一旦学生的学习兴趣激发出来,教学就会取得事半功倍之效。良好的课堂教
伴随着4G网络的普及,各种 “微”平台已经融入了大学生的生活和学习之中,成为高校大学生获取资讯、交流互动、情绪宣泄的重要平台,它也因其较少的流量消耗和较丰富的信息传递模式,受到了越来越多藏族大学生的喜爱。但是,“微”平台对于藏族大学生来讲如同一把双刃剑。既能给藏族大学生的学习生活带来便利,同时也带来了消极的影响。因此,探讨藏族大学生对“微”平台的普及使用现状及了解,是本项目所要调查研究的重点和关键
【摘 要】计算机的诞生为信息技术的飞跃发展创造了条件,二维平面的人机交互已经不再适应当代社会发展需求,只有在原先的信息技术上不断创新,才能引领未来潮流。在今天这个互联网时代,信息化技术在工作和生活中都得到了广泛的运用,并且信息化技术对于计算机的信息处理起到了至关重要的作用。所以,探究信息化技术在计算机信息处理中的应用有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。  【关键词】信息化技术;计算机;信息处理;应用  
【摘 要】信息技术是当前社会科技迅速发展的产物,有效的运用信息技术到当下的教育中可以提升课程教育质量。在高中音乐课程中运用现代信息技术可以改变传统的教学模式,能够将知识以生动形象的模式呈现出来,这样也能够培养学生的学习兴趣,综合利用学生的特点来进行高中音乐教学,进而显著提升课堂教育质量。  【关键词】信息技术;高中音乐;教学;应用  一、利用信息技术培养学生音乐兴趣  在当前新课程标准下,需要有效