Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 45 vol.%SiC_p/7075Al Composite

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LUOMINGGANG818
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Microstructure and mechanical behavior of high volume content Si Cp/7xxx Al composites have not been explored yet. Therefore, in the present work, 45 vol.% SiC p/7075 Al composite has been prepared by pressure infiltration method. High density dislocations were found around Si C/Al interface in SiC p/7075 Al composite after water-quenching and aging treatment. Fine dispersed nano-η′ phases were observed after the aging treatment. Adverse to other Si Cp/Al composites prepared by the pressure infiltration method,an interface layer was observed between SiC particles and Al matrix. Furthermore, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM) observation indicated that this interface layer was coherent/semicoherent with that of the SiC particles. 45 vol.% SiC p/7075 Al composite demonstrated high tensile strength(630 MPa) and micro-ductility. Compared to aged Si Cp/2024 Al composite, the aged Si Cp/7075 Al composite showed an increase of about 200% in the tensile strain and 90% in the tensile strength, respectively.It is speculated that nano-η′ phases in the Al matrix significantly contributed to the strengthening effect while the interface layer between Si C and Al matrix might be beneficial to the strength and plasticity of Si Cp/7075 Al composite. Microstructure and mechanical behavior of high volume content Si Cp / 7xxx Al composites have not been explored yet. Thus, in the present work, 45 vol.% SiC p / 7075 Al composite has been prepared by pressure infiltration method. High density dislocations were found around Si C / Al interface in SiC p / 7075 Al composite after water-quenching and aging treatment. Fine dispersed nano-η ’phases were observed after the aging treatment. Adverse to other Si Cp / Al composites prepared by the pressure infiltration method, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) observation indicated that this interface layer was coherent / semicoherent with that of the SiC particles. 45 vol.% SiC p / 7075 Al composite Compared to aged Si Cp / 2024 Al composite, the aged Si Cp / 7075 Al composite showed an increase of about 200% in the tensile strain and 90% i n the tensile strength, respectively. It is speculated that nano-η ’phases in the strengthening matrix effect of the interface between the SiC and Al matrix may be able to strength and plasticity of Si Cp / 7075 Al composite.
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