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  For the last decade, Baber has been creating peculiar[独特的] sounds and writing music with a group of sound designers he founded. They call themselves Johnny Random. Their music is all over the place, like in this Adidas commercial[商业广告].
  (soundbite of music)
  But last summer, Baber wanted to produce something more personal. But where to find that unique, personal sound? Baber is not someone who can just sit down at the piano and write a tune. That’s too easy. He took his specialty[专门的] microphones and set them on a very unusual instrument. Steven Baber: I wanted to just document every single sound you could possibly get out of a bike.
  That’s right, a bicycle.(soundbite of music)
  But this was about more than just weird sounds. Baber: I wanted it to be beautiful. I wanted to capture[捕获] it in a way that translated[转化] well into musical composition[乐曲].
  Baber took two bikes—one mountain bike and one road bike—and he got to work with his microphones. There was the kind of obvious stuff. Baber: A lot of the most mechanical[机械的], recognizable sounds, like paddling[踏板] and gears turning, the brake caliper[刹车钳] snapping back[迅速返回] into place.
  Or letting the air out of the tubes[管], or running a guitar pick along a spinning[旋转的] tire[轮胎]. Then there was the more creative[创造性的] stuff, like taking a violin bow[弓] to the spokes on a wheel.
  (soundbite of violin bow)
  Like any stringed instrument[弦乐器], the bicycle can be fussy[难以取悦的]. Baber: For instance, when you pluck[拉] a spoke[辐条] on a wheel, you’re not just hearing one; you’re hearing all of them. They all ring out from sympathetic vibration[共振]. So the way to solve that was to tune every single spoke to the exact same pitch[音高], which takes forever.
  An hour of tuning per pitch, to be exact.
  (soundbite of music)
  So Baber says he collected thousands of sounds—different parts of the bike, different takes—and he took all of those raw elements, processed them, filtered[过滤] them, and made them groove[最佳状态].
  (soundbite of Bespoken)
  This is Bespoken, the track that Baber put up on iTunes under the name Johnny Random. He knew the concept could have been a hard sell. Baber: When you first tell people you made a piece of music from bikes, they’re not exactly eager to hit play.
  But after months and months of work, it’s safe to say the song has gone viral[病毒的]—featured on dozens of websites, and shared countless times online. And that means Steven Baber, aka[又叫做] Johnny Random, has his eyes on some new instruments. Baber: Well, I’m currently tearing apart[拆散] my kitchen. My focus next is the entire kitchen.   (Soundbite of music)
I had set the alarm for 2∶30 a.m., but well before it went off, my boyfriend and I woke to a 1)pounding on the 2)chalet door. Waking from a deep sleep, we found our neighbors on the doorstep.  “Quick!
The first tip is to _. A lot of people refer to this as active[积极的] listening. Think of how many times someone has been speaking and only half of you is listening, the other half is thinking about wha
考试考砸了,又或是被老师批评了一顿……当心情跌至谷底的时候,很多人都会化悲愤为食欲,吃个冰激凌或蛋糕,感觉似乎就好起来了,因为我们相信食物是解决情绪的灵丹妙药。但科学家们又出来多管闲事了。一项研究显示,那些被人们称为安慰食物(comfort food)的高卡路里食品,对抚慰我们的心灵其实没什么作用……  安慰食物  顾名思义,安慰食物是那些人们认为能对人的情绪产生安慰作用的食物。这些食物通常是很常
新年新气象,咱们的“英语文化随身带”也来变变脸。“英语文化随身带”将继续为大家带来各种有关英语文化的文章,但内容不再局限于英国(也就是说,你将听到英音或美音的文章),习题形式也会有所改变。将英语文化装进口袋里,利用闲散的时间随身翻阅,英语学习者可以在潜移默化中了解当代英语世界的生活和文化。  在《饥饿游戏》、《分歧者》和《猩球崛起》等大热电影中,我们看到的是一个黑暗、没有前途的世界。难道人类的未来
梵高写给弟弟提奥的信里有这样一段话:“每个人的心里都有一团火,路过的人只能看到烟,但是总有一个人,总有那么一个人能看到这火,然后走过来陪我一起。我在人群中看到了他的火,我快步走过去,生怕慢一点他就会被淹没在岁月的尘埃里。”或许海蓁和奥古斯都的爱情便是如此,遇见了对的人,看到了那团火,快步走在一起,即便彼此均时日无多。  只要是和癌症有关的爱情故事,在我心里都被自动划分到“狗血虐心苦情戏”一栏。没办
Take off all of your skin  And brave when you are free  Shake off all of your sins[罪恶]  And give them to me  Close up, let me back ye  I wanna be yours, wanna be your hero  And my heart beats  *Like t
Jumping up and down the floor  My head is an animal  And once there was an animal  It had a son that mowed[割草] the lawn  The son was an okay guy  They had a pet dragonfly[蜻蜓]  The dragonfly it ran awa
美国新生代女演员及歌手德芙·卡梅隆芳龄十八,金发碧眼的她活脱脱就是一个芭比娃娃。也许你还没听过她的名字,但她现在已经是迪士尼频道的冉冉新星。  德芙出生于美国西雅图,8岁就参与社区剧院的演出,14岁时搬到洛杉矶寻求专业的演出机会。德芙最知名的作品是迪士尼频道的原创电视系列剧《丽芙与玛蒂》,她在里面一人分饰两角。该剧集于2013年9月首播,获得了同时段收视冠军。接下来,她还会在迪士尼的原创电影《云霄
Based on the long-running book series written and illustrated[给……加插图] by Belgian[比利时的]-born author Gabrielle Vincent—and animated with backgrounds of stunning[极漂亮的] hand-painted watercolors—Ernest& Ce