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周六一大早,老王就憋了一肚子气,在老婆的唠叨声中迈出了家门。“订个像样的饭店,别让人小瞧了,瞧你那怂样……”老王的头一阵比一阵疼,像脑袋里有无数条虫子在撕咬。他终于无法坚持,眯着眼、皱着眉,扶着人行道边的电线杆缓缓地蹲了下来。头疼是老王上高中时落下的毛病,看书时间一长,先是眼睛疼,紧跟着就头疼,而且只要开始疼,当天就好不了。后来发展到身 Early in the morning on Saturday, the Pharaoh clasped his stomach and took the door to his wife’s chatter. “Set a decent hotel, do not let people look down, look at your counsel ... ” Pharaoh’s head while a while hurts, like a head of innumerable insects in the bite. He finally could not insist, squinting, frowning, holding the pole along the sidewalk slowly squatting down. Headache is falling from the high school Pharaoh problems, reading a long time, the first eye pain, followed by a headache, but as long as the pain began, the same day. Later developed to the body
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