组建之初 举步维艰

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20年来,陆航装备建设始终坚持我军新时期战略方针,以“打赢”为目标,以提高战斗力为出发点和落脚点。在这一指导思想的引领下,陆航装备建设贯彻军事需求牵引的原则:东面要满足海峡军事斗争准备的作战需求;西面要兼顾西藏高原和新疆地区巩固边防、维护社会稳定的需要。陆航装备机关一方面密切与工业部门协作,发挥市场经济的杠杆作用调动一切积极因素,选好重点,集中力量,着眼长远,使装备建立在一个自主、创新、持续、可靠发展的军工环境的基石上;另一方面,随着国家改革开放的深入,利用国际市场带来的新机遇,不失时机地通过引进、合作等形式,获取先进装备、技术为我所有、为我所用,使陆航的装备建设走上了一条快速、高效的发展之路:“七五”、“八五”期间,装备建设打好基础,初具规模;“九五”、“十五”期间,构筑装备完整体系、扩大规模,提升战斗力。 In the past 20 years, the construction of the aviation equipment has always adhered to the strategic guideline of our army in the new era and has set itself the goal of “winning” and the starting point and goal of improving combat effectiveness. Under the guidance of this guiding principle, the construction of the aviation equipment has carried out the principle of military demand traction: the east needs to meet operational requirements for preparing for the strait military struggle; and the west needs to take into consideration the needs of the Tibet Plateau and Xinjiang to consolidate the frontier defense and maintain social stability. On the one hand, the aviation equipment organization, in close cooperation with the industrial sector, gives full play to the leverage of the market economy to mobilize all positive factors, selects the key points, concentrates forces and looks forward to the long term so that the equipment will be built in an independent, innovative, sustainable and reliable military environment On the other hand, with the deepening of China’s reform and opening up and taking advantage of the new opportunities brought by the international market, it seized the opportunity to acquire advanced equipment by means of introduction and cooperation and all the technology for me. Equipment construction embarked on a fast and efficient development of the road: During the “75”, “85” period, equipment construction lay a good foundation, beginning to take shape; “95”, “fifteen ”Period, build a complete system of equipment, expand the scale and enhance combat effectiveness.
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