
来源 :中国农垦 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pp
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国营芦台农场位于河北省天津专区宁河县境内,系粘重盐渍土,以种植水稻为主;地下水位高,排水不良,早霜一般在10月20日左右,当地农民很少种棉。一九五○年芦台农场开始种棉,由于技术措施有错误和管理不当, 每亩平均只产籽棉70市斤;因此部份技术干部认为该地环境不宜于植棉。但是1952年在稻茬地种了一千一百余亩棉花,学习苏联先进经验,采用深耕、密植,结果得到了丰收;平均每亩产籽棉二百二十一斤半,比当地群众产量高出百分之六十七,比本场一九五○年棉花产量高出将近三倍。其中有五百余亩秋耕地的棉花,每亩平均产三百零六.七斤,比本场春耕地的棉花,提高百分之一○六;最高产量每亩达五百二十一斤,品种平棉三号的试验地,产量合每亩五八九斤。 State-run Lutai Farm is located in Ninghe County, Tianjin, Hebei Province, where heavy-salt saline soils are mainly used to grow rice. The groundwater level is high and the drainage is poor. Early frost is generally around October 20, and local farmers rarely grow cotton. In 1950, Lutai Farm began to plant cotton. As a result of technical errors and mismanagement, it only produced an average of 70 catties of seed cotton per mu. As a result, some technical cadres believed that the environment should not be used for cotton planting. However, in 1952, 1,100 acres of cotton were planted on the stubble field to learn the advanced experience of the Soviet Union. Through deep plowing and close planting, the result was a bumper harvest. The average yield of cotton seed per mu was 221 kg and a half, more than that of the local masses Sixty-seven percent more than tripled the production of cotton in this field in 1950. There are more than 500 acres of autumn cropland of cotton, the average yield per acre 306. Seven pounds, more than the field of spring cotton, an increase of one hundred and six percent; the highest yield of up to 521 pounds per mu , Varieties of cotton on the 3rd trial, yield of 589 acres per acre.
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