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  USPS全称是United States Postal Service,美国邮政署,亦称美国邮局或美国邮政服务,是美国联邦政府的独立机构。中国邮政和美国邮政有很多不一样的地方,我们请Karen给我们一一道来。 hen you hear Americans talking about the USPS, you probably wonder what it is. It stands for the United States Postal Service. Just like China Post, the USPS provides postal service across America. But what’s different is the USPS is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government whereas China Post is state-owned.
  What attracts me most about the USPS is the small
  white mail delivery vans[有蓬货车]. The postmen are also drivers, steering the wheels on the right. (In the U.S., like China, the driver normally sits on the left side of the car.) Therefore, they can deliver mail to every household[家庭] with a sidewalk[人行道] mail box without leaving the delivery vans. The van on the driver’s side doesn’t have a door, which gives them easy access[通路] to the mail boxes.
  There’re tens of thousands of such USPS mail delivery vans working every day except Sundays. And if you want to mail a standard-sized letter, you don’t need to visit the post office. All you need to do is just put the stamped mail into an outgoing mail slot[缝,狭槽] or in your own mail box and put up a red flag on the side of the mail box. The postman will pick up your letter when he delivers the daily mail to you.
  In America, the standard domestic postage is 49 cents. If you want to buy some stamps for domestic mailing, you just ask for the Forever Stamp Book. Each book consists of 20 stamps. Why are they called Forever stamps? Because postage cost varies over time, if you have a Forever stamp, its face value won’t be affected even though the postage has risen.
  Speaking of American stamps, they’re actually stickers. You don’t need glue to paste the stamp on the envelope like those in China. You tear the back of the stamp and stick it on the envelope. There! The letter is ready to mail. If you’re a stamp collector, you’ll be thrilled to see zillions of varieties of American stamps. There’re people, nature, buildings, symbols, anniversaries of events and many more themes. I like to collect the stamps with the theme of Chinese New Year. Each year, the USPS will release a series of stamps with the Chinese zodiac[十二宫图] or symbols related to Chinese cultures, such as kumquats[金橘], red lanterns and fire crackers. They are really beautiful!
2012年是影坛的丰收年,各类影片大放异彩。作为影迷的你,相信心中一定有自己的“最佳”榜单,众口难调,哪怕是奥斯卡或是金球奖也未必能代表大多数人的观影感受。在本期的《无限播客》中,著名影评家鲍勃·蒙代罗将与我们分享他心目中的年度最佳电影。  Audie Cornish: It’s been a great year for movie box offices with many records 1
Jane是一位再平凡不过的姑娘,然而她深深地沉迷于英国女作家JaneAusten的小说之中,对于她笔下的Mr.Darcy更是迷恋得无法自拔,在Jane的心目中,Mr.Darcy就是她日后择偶的唯一标杆。  然而,正由于怀抱着这样不切实际的可笑幻想,Jane在感情世界里处处碰壁遍体鳞伤。一次偶然的机会,Jane参加了“奥斯汀庄园”的度假行程,并渴望从中找寻幻想已久的爱情,她能找到自己的Mr.Darc
去年年底,中美两国在APEC会议期间达成利好协议,互相放宽签证政策,日本和印尼等几个国家也表示将放宽对中国的商旅签证。这意味着以后无论是留学还是旅游,签证办理将更方便快捷,走出国门的手续将不会像以前那样繁琐。对于“签证”,你了解多少呢?什么是签证?签证的种类有哪些?如何申请办理签证?下面就让我们来了解一下吧。  签证基本上是到访一个国家的许可证。  A visa is basically just
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Garret喜欢上一个女孩,但是不敢向她表白,把自己的感觉一直压抑在心里。Lucy鼓励他要勇敢表达爱。  Garret: “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”Lucy: Uh oh. You only quote Tale of Two Cities when something is seriously 1)amiss. W
爱是包容而不是放纵,爱是关怀而不是宠爱,爱是相互交融而不是单相思,爱是百味而不全是甜蜜。爱分很多种,亲情、友情、爱情……  父母的爱是天地间最伟大的爱,自从我们呱呱坠地,来到这个世界,父母就开始爱着我们,直到永远。父母的爱,是一种对儿女天生的爱,自然的爱。我们长大后应报答他们的爱,尽自己最大的能力去关心他们,孝顺他们,多陪陪他们,多和他们说说话。当然有些父母为了生计,远离年幼的儿女,到异乡去赚钱养