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  Audie Cornish: It’s been a great year for movie box offices with many records 1)toppled. The comic book 2)blockbuster “The Avengers” had the biggest opening weekend in Hollywood history. “Skyfall” became the first James Bond film to earn more than a billion dollars in ticket sales worldwide. In fact, box office sales overall this year easily the movie industry’s biggest ever. But what about quality? Bob Mondello says the news there is good, too. His top 10 list positively 3)runneth over.
  Bob Mondello: Hollywood is often accused of serving up simple-minded pleasures, but a lot of this year’s best films were 4)nuanced and complex. And for once, their nuanced complexity was exactly what made them popular. Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” for instance...
  (Soundbite from “Lincoln”)
  Daniel Day Lewis: (as Abraham Lincoln) I admire your 5)zeal, Mr. Stevens, and I have tried to profit from the example of it.
  Mondello: No wide-eyed presidential 6)snow job, “Lincoln”is a tale of political 7)intrigue where the great good of eradicating slavery requires great compromise on lesser evils.
  (Soundbite from “Lincoln”)
  Tommy Lee Jones: (as Thaddeus Stevens) Ashley insists you’re ensuring approval by 8)dispensing 9)patronage to otherwise 10)undeserving Democrats...
  Lewis: (as Abraham Lincoln) I can’t ensure a single damn thing if you scare the whole House silly with talk of land 11)appropriations, revolutionary 12)tribunals...
  Mondello: Spielberg’s “Lincoln” has other virtues, terrific performances, gorgeous 13)cinematography, but what’s 14)captivating audiences is that it’s not the dipped-in-amber civics lesson they were expecting. That’s also true of the war-on-terrorism 15)chronicle“Zero Dark Thirty.”
  (Soundbite of “Zero Dark Thirty”)
  Unidentified man 1: I don’t care about bin Laden. I care about the next attack. You’re going to start working on the American al-Qaida cells, protect the homeland.
  Jessica Chastain: (as Maya) Bin Laden is the one who keeps telling them to attack the homeland.
  Mondello: “Zero Dark Thirty”is about as far from a rah-rah, get-the-bad-guy flick as director Kathryn Bigelow could make it. Which is a good thing, because Ben Affleck made a rah-rah, get-awayfrom-the-bad-guys flick that would be pretty hard to 16)top, the rousing 17)thriller “Argo” about how the 18)CIA got six Americans out of 19)Tehran during the Iran 20)hostage crisis by pretending to make a movie.   That’s a trio of fact-based stories. Next, a fable blending real-world 21)tempests and mythical creatures. “Beasts of the Southern Wild” tells the tale of a 6-year-old girl named Hushpuppy living in a 22)bayou community that’s hit by a hurricane.
  (Soundbite of “Beasts of the Southern Wild”)
  Mondello: Hushpuppy’s world is at once real and magical and so is “Beasts of the Southern Wild.” That’s four of the year’s 10 most interesting pictures. The next three hail from overseas, from France in the case of Michael Haneke’s devastating masterwork“Amour,” about an elderly married couple who find themselves facing the end of life and not a pretty end, though they can still find joy for a while in things like a brand new motorized wheelchair.

  (Soundbite from “Amour”)
  Mondello: “Amour” is about a love that’s lasted decades. Another French picture, “Rust and Bone,” is about a love just beginning between a fighter and a woman who suffers a life-altering accident, one that required some of the year’s most arresting special effects. 2012’s most compelling documentary, meanwhile, hails from Israel: “The Gatekeepers,” in which six former heads of that country’s internal security service talk about everything from targeted 23)assassinations to being hung out to dry by the politicians who gave them their marching orders.   (Soundbite from “The Gatekeepers”)
  Mondello: Also eye-opening is the far lighter documentary,“Searching for Sugar Man,” about an American folk singer named Rodriguez. He never got much traction in this county, but he became a superstar in a place you might not expect.
  (Soundbite from “Searching for Sugar Man”)
  Rodriguez: (singing) and you think I’m curious.
  Unidentified man 2: The album was exceptionally popular. To many of us South Africans, he was the soundtrack to our lives.
  Mondello: The thing is, Rodriguez never knew he’d become a hit in South Africa and his fans there all thought he was dead until someone went searching for Sugar Man. That’s eight of my top 10. The last two are by directors named Anderson.
  “Moonrise Kingdom” is Wes Anderson’s 24)whimsical look at a 12-year-old who excels at 25)scouting and the girl he runs off camping with.
  (Soundbite from “Moonrise Kingdom”)
  Uuidentified child 1: Sometimes I stick leaves on my hair. It helps cool your head down.
  Uuidentified child 2: That’s a good idea. It might also help if you didn’t wear a fur hat.
  Uuidentified child 1: Yeah, true.
  Mondello: Wes Anderson’s whimsy contrasts with the high seriousness that Paul Thomas Anderson brings to his mid-century epic, “The Master,” about a movement called The Cause and its charismatic leader...
  “The Master” is both intense psychologically and ravishing visually. OK, theoretically, we’re done, but the number 10 feels especially arbitrary in a terrific year like this one and I still have some time left, so let’s keep going. Commercial filmmakers came up with some seriously cool fantasies this year, including two costarring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the time-travel thrill ride,“Looper” in which Gordon-Levitt is an assassin who must kill his future self, played by Bruce Willis...
  (Soundbite from “Looper”)
  Joseph Gordon Levitt: (as Joe) I can’t let you walk away from this diner alive. This is my life now. I earned it. You had yours already.
  Mondello: And the final episode in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy,“The Dark Knight Rises.”
  (Soundbite from “The Dark Knight Rises”)
  蒙代罗:同样让人大开眼界的还有纪录片《寻找小糖人》,讲的是美国民间歌手罗格里格斯,在本土默默无闻,却在另一个你未曾想过的国度大放异彩,成为超级巨星。   (《寻找小糖人》原声片段)
  《大师》既扣人心弦又给人视觉上的享受。好吧,理论上说,年度十佳已经说完了,但是“十”在这样一个丰收年里感觉太武断,而我又还有时间,所以我们继续说下去。商业电影制作人今年贡献出一些极具想象力的作品,包括两部约瑟夫·高登·莱维特出演的影片,一部是时空旅游、惊险穿梭的科幻片《环形使者》, 高登·莱维特在影片中饰演一个杀手,他必须杀掉由布鲁斯·威利斯饰演的未来的自己……

  Christian Bale: (as Batman) Protection from the blast. We’re gonna be all right. Double time, go.
  Unidentified man 3: It’s an 26)atom bomb.
  Unidentified man 4: Think they need to hear that? Let them die without hope? Come on!
  Mondello: He’s protecting school kids in that scene, as were characters in two especially 27)resonate foreign films, “Monsieur Lazhar” about how a sensitive 28)substitute teacher deals with 29)traumatized students at a Canadian primary school and “The Kid with a Bike,” about an abandoned Belgian child and the woman who 30)tames his violent 31)impulses.
  Impulse control also figures in two compelling love stories, “Keep the Lights On,” about a gay love affair; and “Silver Linings Playbook,” a happier tale about two damaged but 32)upbeat souls who are heavily 33)medicated.
  (Soundbite of “Silver Linings Playbook”)
  Unidentified man 5: You ever take Klonipin?
  Unidentified woman 1: Klonipin? Yeah.
  Unidentified man 5: Right. What day is it?
  Mondello: Another romance steeped in jazz was the year’s loveliest animated film,“Chico And Rita,” a 34)conventionally drawn, unconventionally adult tale of Cuban musicians. And Tim Burton’s stop-motion “Frankenweenie”was also pretty splendid, the story of a boy who 35)reanimates his dog after an accident.
  (Soundbite from “Frankenweenie”)
  Uuidentified child 3: I know.
  Uuidentified child 4: Know what?
  Uuidentified child 3: Your dog is alive.   Mondello: That’s obviously a 36)riff on “Frankenstein,” which is not the only classic novel to triumph in an 37)unorthodox reworking this year. Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” got vividly reimagined as if it were taking place literally on a stage.

  And just as Anna’s leapt from page to stage, leaping from the stage to the screen is Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables”—not for all tastes, perhaps, but catnip for a theater nut like me. And that, if I’m not mistaken, is a second 10. If pressed, I could probably even come up with a third. It’s been that kind of year, rewarding enough to send film lovers into 38)cineplexes in 2013 feeling 39)downright optimistic.
  最佳导演:Ben Affleck(《逃离德黑兰》)
  最佳剧情片男主角:Daniel Day Lewis (《林肯》)
  最佳剧情片女主角:Jessica Chastain (《猎杀本·拉登》)
  最佳音乐/喜剧片女主角:Jennifer Lawrence (《乌云背后的幸福线》)
  最佳音乐/喜剧片男主角:Hugh Jackman(《悲惨世界》)
  最佳女配角:Anne Hathaway(《悲惨世界》)

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