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‘中国共产党中央和省(市)级机关文书处理工作和档案工作暂行条例’第六条规定,文书处理工作的任务之一是‘文书的催办和拟办’。第十五条规定:‘需要办理的收文,应按照领导人的指示作催办登记,并及时检查办理情形。等待答覆的发文,亦需由承办人将发文存本单独存放,并按时催促有关单位作覆。’这里,我想将我所知道的苏联机关文书处理工作中的催办工作简单地介绍一下,以供参考。一、监督对文书处理工作的作用及监督的要求催办,就是对文件承办情况的监督,因此,在苏联就叫做监督。监督,对於任何一项工作来说都是必不可少的。监督在文书处理工作中也是极其重要的一环,建立了健全的切实可行的监督制度,就可以帮助肃清文书处理工作中的官僚主义、文牍主义,使文件的承办精确、及时,避免拖拉、积压以及未办完就归卷等情况。通过监督也可以帮助了解机关工作人员的工作情况,根据 Article 6 of the Provisional Regulations on the Disposal and Archival Work of the Central Government, Provincial (City) Organs, and the Central Organ of the Communist Party of China stipulates that one of the tasks of the disposition of the documents shall be the ’reminding and drafting of the instruments’. Article 15 stipulates: ’Receipts to be handled should be urgently registered in accordance with the instructions of the leaders and promptly checked and handled. Waiting for the reply, it is also necessary for the undertaker to deposit the deposited paper separately and promptly urge the relevant unit to make the revisions. Here, I would like to give a brief introduction of what I know as a reminder of the handling of the Soviet organs and documents for reference. First, the supervision of the role of the instrument processing and supervision requirements reminder, is the supervision of the file contractor, therefore, called the Soviet Union in the supervision. Supervision is essential to any job. Supervision is also an extremely important part in the processing of clerical work. Having established a sound and viable supervision system can help to eliminate bureaucratism and philanthropy in the handling of clerical work, so as to ensure the accurate and timely handling of documents and avoid procrastination and backlogs And did not finish on the return of volume and so on. By monitoring can also help understand the work of the agency staff, according to
为探讨微润灌溉对温室轻度盐碱地番茄土壤水盐的影响,通过设置3种不同埋深(10 cm、15 cm、20 cm),探究了不同微润带埋设深度下,膜内(番茄种植行)、膜间(番茄行间)土壤含水量