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近年来,万源市财政局连出新招,大胆改进财政管理方法。一是财政专项资金管理,认真执行了“统一制度,统一管理,统一计划,统一开户,统一核算”的五统一原则,并吸取了银行信贷管理和实行借用抵押、还旧借新等方法,使之逐步走上正轨。二是预算外资金管理,实行“统一领导,分级管理,按预算外资金的用途分类进行核算”的办法,统一组织征收,统一发放和管理发票。实行财政专户管理和“收支两条线”管理,配合实现政府预算。三是财政支农资金管理,采取“统筹安排,捆绑使用,分别列支”的管理办法,投入财政支农资金,同时完善其监督机制,实行申请、审批、使用、反馈责任到人。 In recent years, Wanyuan City Bureau of Finance even out new tactics, boldly improve the financial management methods. First, financial special funds management, conscientiously implemented the “unified system, unified management, unified planning, unified account, unified accounting,” the five principles of unity, and draw on the bank credit management and implementation of borrowing mortgage, old borrow new , So that gradually get on track. Second, the management of extra-budgetary funds shall be subject to the principle of “unified leadership, management at different levels and accounting according to the purposes of extra-budgetary funds”, and organize the collection and payment of invoices uniformly and in a unified way. The implementation of fiscal accounts management and “revenue and expenditure two lines ” management, with the realization of the government budget. Third, financial support for agricultural fund management, take “co-ordination arrangements, bundled use, separately listed ” management approach, investment in financial support for agriculture, while improving its oversight mechanisms, the implementation of the application, approval, use, feedback responsibility to people.
【本刊讯】中央音乐学院学生康文婷近日在第1 7届勃拉姆斯国际比赛中,荣获中提琴组第三名。这是一个极其计较音乐演奏风格并水平很高的比赛。这次比赛选手共有4 9名来自不同
华山松(Pinus armandi Franch)是我国西部的重要用材树种。湖北省宜昌地区——各国营林场共引种造林12万亩, 10万亩生长正常,有2万亩先后发生了病害。为了观察华山松的病害
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