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I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,rnAnd a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;rnNine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,rnAnd live alone in the bee-loud glade.rnAnd I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,rnDropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;rnThere midnight\'s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,rnAnd evening full of the linnet\'s wings.
儿时最喜过岁末,各家喜事扎堆了办,可以常去吃酒。我家乡赴喜宴叫“吃酒”。  无论近邻远亲,各家总会延请祖父,他德高望重,字也好。祖父端坐一隅,写几副对子或挽联,让人张挂了。我则在一旁打下手。待祖父裁了纸,告诉我是几字联,我就替他折出几个米字格。又倒墨汁。乡人买的墨汁奇臭,若掉一滴在手上,洗去犹有余臭。祖父写一个字,我就拈了纸拖一截儿出来,又写一个,又拖一截儿。写完上联,仍旧是我执了两端,摆在角落地
Just as our bodies produce waste every day—which is why we need to shower and use the toilet—our brains produce harmful waste proteins. But how can our brains “shower” themselves?  A 2013 study found
One Explanation: Terrestrial Branchesrn一种解释:地支rnThe 12 Chinese zodiac signs are based on the 12 Terrestrial Branches. Ancient Chinese people invented the system based on observations of the orbit of Jupiter, which has a 12-year rotation basis.
The world is needing you and me,rnIn places where we ought to be;rnSomewhere today it\'s needing yournTo stand for what you know is true,rnAnd needing me somewhere todayrnTo keep the faith, let come what may.rnThe world needs honest men todayrnTo lead i
English playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, “Where there\'s tea, there\'s hope.” Similarly, a Chinese saying goes that “Firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.”rnTea is, without doubt, welcom
一代文豪苏东坡的人生,与杭州有过两次交集。  一次是公元1071年,他去杭州担任通判;一次是公元1089年,他成了杭州知州。两次出仕杭州,都是他主动要求从京城外调的。杭州成了他躲避朝堂新旧党人之争的避难地。  今年6月,我有幸游学杭州,探寻苏东坡与这座城市。从苏堤到大麦岭,再到临安衙署旧址,苏东坡的影迹,在这座城市中不断浮现。  对于一座城市而言,人与时代,似乎都是过客,苏东坡也是杭州的“过客”。
Many people travel to enrich and enjoy themselves. As Persian poet Jalaluddin Rumi (1207—1273) said, “Travel brings power and love back into your life.” However, their travel methods may be different each year. Let\'s take a look.
Many towns are named for persons— Washington, St. Louis, Jacksonville, and others. It is not so often that persons are named for towns, but here is a painter who was named for one. The town was Perugia, in Italy, and the man was called Perugino (Pay-roo-j
作为沅水最大一级支流,酉水迂回蜿蜒于鄂西、川东、湘西,在云贵高原与两湖平原之间的武陵山区流淌。这条浩荡奔腾的河流全长477公里,串起了一个个闪亮的文明点,滋养了湘西亘古不变的血脉。  历史上,武陵“五溪”之一的酉水又称酉溪。古老的酉水,她的每一粒砂石都镌刻着历史;厚重的酉水,她每一道波光都闪烁着睿智。在这里,我们可以触摸历史留下的痕迹,聆听远古的天籁之音。在这里,盘瓠文化、巫傩文化、中原文化、巴蜀