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在僻远的贵州省黔南苗族布依族自治州的布依寨里,人们保留着一种奇特的娱乐活动———“苗疆斗鸟”。斗鸟这天,斗鸟客肩负手提,翻山越岭,汇集斗鸟场后,成百上千只鸟笼挂满树梢。一刹时,叽叽喳喳,象一支庞大的合唱队在演出。三眼铳轰。轰。轰。三声响,斗鸟协会会长宣布 In the remote Buyei Village of Qiannan Miao and Buyi Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province, people keep a peculiar recreational activity --- “Miaojian fighting bird.” Bucket birds day, Bucket birds shoulder portable, over the mountains, the collection of Bucket Farm, hundreds of birdcage hanging tree treetops. At a flash, twitter, acting like a huge chorus. Three eyes 铳 boom. boom. boom. Three sound, Juan Dou Association announced
To determine prospectively the effectiveness in clinical practice of a prediction model for high- order multiple pregnancies (HOMP) (triplets or more). Prospect
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在济南,前不久人们用20公斤炸药“炸”出了一口深水潭,而围绕其中的三大不解之谜又不其增添了神秘色彩。这口位于济南西郊腊山岩体深处的潭水水质明净甘美,十分罕见。 当地
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