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有一个泸州老窖的广告是这样的古战场,硝烟弥漫,两军对垒,剑拔弩张,眼看一场火拼是免不了了——忽然一个高亢的声音喊道:别打了,别打了,快喝泸州老窖了!!——你说荒唐不荒唐?反正我第一次看到的反应是:眼镜落地,肚皮笑破。无独有偶,最近电视上频频播放的某牛奶广告也挺滑稽:清晨,阳光透过窗玻璃洒在客厅,女主人正在喝牛奶。她陶醉于牛奶的美味之中,说“这种感觉,就像家里养了一头牛一样。”话刚说完,“哞”的一声,一头 There is an advertisement for Luzhou Laojiao. This is an ancient battlefield. The smoke is filled with smoke. The two armies confront each other and are arrogant. Seeing a fight is inevitable. Suddenly, a high-pitched voice shouts: Don’t fight, don’t fight, drink quickly. The old cellar!! - you say absurd is not ridiculous? Anyway, the first time I saw the reaction is: the glasses landed, belly laugh. Coincidentally, the milk advertisement that was frequently broadcast on television recently was quite funny: In the morning, the sun shines through the window glass in the living room. The mistress is drinking milk. She was reveled in the deliciousness of milk and said, “This feeling is just like having a cow at home.” When the words were just finished, a “bang” sound was heard.
正确的教学方法能激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲,调动学生的学习自觉性和积极性。这里,我结合教学实践,谈谈自己的一管之见。 The correct teaching methods can stimulate st
“我总希望能用自己的双手为我们的世界带来一丝改变。”担当“环保大使”2003年,受科学家提出防SARS的最有效方法之一是多呼吸新鲜空气的想法的吸引,广州市47中学高二 “I
In an interview last month, Frank Church, chairman of the Senate committee that is investigating the CIA, issued an oblique but impassioned warning, that the t
在英语中,有的单词如“everyday”是形容词,意思是“平常的”,“一般的”,“日常的”,只能置于名词之前,用作定语,不能分写成everyday;而every day是副词短语,意思是“每天
英译汉试题分析评述如下: (71) There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. [参考
英国Michael Swan 著的由《英语学习》编辑部编译的《英语用法指南》一书的203条中写道:“当主语是代词时,enough 可以用作动词be 的补语,如:That’s enough;It was enough